
The Departed.

The Departed:


On a window sill,

a candle once burned,

now the light has faded and your flames gone out,

father time has closed your eyes,

as these words form the final page,

the love we hold for you,

is never passing,

the memories we have of you,


both the good and the bad,

in the black hole of our minds,

where sacred thoughts are kept,

and as the wind echoes,

and the sun will set,

we will cry for you,

remembering words left unsaid,

and as the rain falls,

the sky will weep,

we know your gone,

but we won’t forget,

wrapped in the barbed arms of sorrow,

to the dearly departed,

a piece of you will remain,

forever in our hearts.

19 thoughts on “The Departed.

      1. It is but I’ve said it before to other bloggers, I like music with lyrics I can find meaning in, poetry to me is similar, what I write has meaning to me, some more than others and this one very much but people will either find meaning in it to or they won’t as everyone finds meaning in different things.

        So, I find poetry easy to share because of that but book reviews, I used to dread posting those as I wasn’t confident in my reviewing/writing ability.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Damn, reading your poetry, I’d think that reviewing would be way easier to do. I want to write a novel, and that really scares me to death. Feels like putting a piece of yourself out there for people to judge. But I get where you’re coming from. People will find something to love, based on what is meaningful for them. I try to not think about what I personally love, but what the overall feeling of books are when I review, although it doesn’t always work that well.

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      3. I think it’s because I find poetry is easy to write, it’s fairly short and I generally use the simplistic rhyming style – as it’s what I like. But for the reviews I have to write, I try to review around the 1000 word mark which is a lot of writing for me, sometimes more but I’m not the most eloquent and don’t use big words and when I started blogging I’d see all these really elaborate reviews and felt that mine were no where near as good, though if you ask Jill she’ll tell you she thinks my reviews are good. But, that elaborate style isn’t me and I wouldn’t be able to write like that, now it doesn’t bother me much though as I write informally and for me that works for my reviews and it took me a while to realise but I don’t actually do to bad at blogging.😀

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I’d have to agree with Jill. I prefer reading to the point, informal reviews to those long, elaborate ones. Point is that most things can be said in fewer words and still get a point across clearly. I cannot write poetry to save my life – maybe you should host a poems challenge and give a topic. That could be interesting?

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Oh no, someone else agrees with Jill! 🙂 I actually hosted a giveaway for my 6 months of blogging last week, it ended on Monday, it was a poetry contest, I didn’t give a topic as I thought it would be more popualr if people could choose what they wanted to write about and it had the grand total of 6 entrants though to be fair all were good and the three I gave prizes to are awesome.


      6. Yeah, I agree with Jill. Sorry I missed the challenge. I think most people want to be challenged in a specific topic/genre/idea – this gives them a set option to work with. I will keep an eye out for your next challenge.

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      7. You have a point though when I did a 500 followers Q and A I got challenged to write a haiku about leprechauns! It’s a strange subject and not easy to do unlike a more sensible topic but I really struggled with that, hence deciding to allow for free choice in the contest I ran.

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      8. Give a general genre, something you know people know about. I want to perhaps do a short story challenge. But at this stage I have received two books to review, and this means I haven’t even gotten to my TBR list this month.

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