My Musings

ARC’s Ggggrrrr!

ARC’s, Ggggrrrr!


I’ve read a few blog posts regarding blog etiquette and ARC’s. Yes, I know it’s a dreaded subject amongst the book blogger community in general but I wanted to muse myself on this most heinous of subjects and the occasional furore that surrounds it.

This isn’t a rant or a diatribe, merely my musing and thoughts on the subject.

In life, mostly everyone lies at some time or the other, be it the smallest little lie as a child ‘no mummy, I didn’t eat the last cake, my imaginary friend Arcasaurus did’ through to a murderer under oath denying their crime ‘no your honour, I didn’t murder her, I was reading, my friends in Westeros can vouch for me’. Slight exaggeration in examples I know. 🙂

So, surely with most people lying at some stage it’s to be expected that there’ll be book bloggers out there who only blog for ARC’s, it’s the nature of the world, not everyone is genuine and honest. Take note all you young bloggers out there, from a jaded adult, life sucks.

But, is it right for the subject to cause such debate and for bloggers who are lucky enough to receive ARC’s to be vilified?

We will all suffer from ARC envy, again, it’s the nature of life, you see someone with something you want and haven’t been lucky enough to get yourself and you think, dammit! 😦 But, is that the bloggers fault or the publisher? Should the blogger simply not have enquired for the book in the first place? Or should the publisher be blamed for accepting the bloggers ARC request?

My one single case of ARC envy since I started blogging came with the release of City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin. His The Passage trilogy is one of my favourites, while disappointed with the second book, The Twelve. To this day, The Passage itself remains one of my favourite ever reads and tops my recommendation lists for the post-apocalyptic genre.
To say I was excited for the release of City of Mirrors was an understatement, it’s the final book and conclusion and should-be epic! While, I had got the book on preorder, I also requested an ARC, both through the publisher (I’m in the UK) and by Netgalley, I was declined for both. As I love the trilogy, I’d linked the reviews of the previous two books I’d written, explaining I was a huge fan when requesting and was absolutely gutted with being declined. Then, I saw lots of bloggers had ARC’s, be it a proper book or an e-ARC, I admit I suffered ARC envy but did it really bother me? At the time, yes, unfortunately it did, I had been declined and others had been accepted, was that the bloggers fault for requesting the book though? No it wasn’t, just like it wasn’t the publishers fault for declining me. Do you know what I did? I kept my preorder and in hindsight I can smile thinking I got annoyed and envious over being declined when ARC’s are an added occasional extra for bloggers and you should cherish them not expect them.

It must be said, I haven’t actually read City of Mirrors yet as I’ve decided to leave it until the cold winter months when I can lose myself in the pages while the weather goes to Hell outside with wind and rain alongside the dark nights.

Mentioning Netgalley brings me to another point I’d like to make. There’s uproar over actual ARC’s of books but I don’t remember reading much about Netgalley. I have read some posts where bloggers have requested loads of books from Netgalley and now have upwards of 30+ books to read months after the book was released and they still haven’t read them. Surely it’s similar to a real book ARC? So, why the uproar over bloggers getting real books and not digital e-ARC’s? You request the book via Netgalley and either get accepted for or declined for the book by the publisher just like if you requested a proper ARC.

With living in the UK, I’m not entirely sure as I’m lazy and haven’t checked but I’d hazard a guess that while requesting an ARC is the same throughout the world, there’s bound to be differences, authors have different publishers in different countries, if those publishers have different requirements for ARC’s is it the bloggers fault if the blogger in the UK gets accepted and someone in the US for the exact same book doesn’t? No, it isn’t, again it’s life.

I’ve also read some posts on blog etiquette recently and the subject of ARC’s, with the etiquette seeming to be that you should have been blogging for at least 6 months and have so many followers before you even think about requesting an ARC, OK, but I need to ask, why? Just because it’s polite to fellow bloggers who have been blogging for months/years and have been unlucky with ARC’s that you wait to abide the so-called etiquette and blogging rules? Politeness costs nothing but, why shouldn’t new bloggers request ARC’s? Are we any less worthy? If you’re a genuine book lover and not just in it for the ‘free’ books it’ll show, whether your new at blogging or established.

Is it my fault that I only recently started blogging after reading for years as I merely thought it was the logical next step to go from reading to having a book blog to share my thoughts with others.

The recent post I read, about 6 months blogging and so many followers before requesting any ARC’s actually made me feel bad! Thanks! As I myself have been lucky with ARC’s and it made me think I’ll be vilified by my fellow bloggers simply for being lucky enough to be added to some mailing lists by publishers. Will you all say to me, but Drew, you should have waited? I ask you then, why? The publicists for Titan (UK publisher) have open DM’s on Twitter for if you are a book blogger to join the mailing list. You can but ask, which I did, less than two months after I’d started blogging – if you all wish to hang me then that’s fine. I was accepted, great for me as it must have meant that the publicist saw in me and my blog something that they liked.Down to blogging etiquette after being accepted, should I have declined as there are people out there who have been blogging for longer and who are more deserving? You may say, yes, you should have declined and I won’t argue as everyone is allowed their own voice. However, if you say, yes, I will ask you, is it my fault or for that matter any other bloggers fault if the publicist for the publisher your enquiring about accepts you? No, it isn’t as they must think your blog is worthy of them.

I’ve been blogging for just over 4 months, have over 400 followers and have had 10,000 blog hits, not many for a lot of you, I know but for me it’s a lot and I’d like to class my blog as a success.

Is it wrong I’ve been added to mailing lists by publishers even though I haven’t got thousands of followers or been blogging for the 6 months that etiquette dictates? No, it isn’t and I don’t think it’s wrong for any blogger be it a new blogger with less than a month of blogging experience or a blogger who’s been at it for years.

If you’re a genuine book lover then the etiquette shouldn’t matter and bloggers should all congratulate their fellow bloggers success in being added to mailing list for publishers and/or receiving ARC’s. Yes, there’s those out there who blog for ARC’s, there the villain’s in the story not new bloggers who have tried to make a successful blog. And, those ARC bloggers probably get them to, selling them on but, it is how it is and unfortunately we can’t do anything about it.

So, with that being said, vilify bloggers who merely blog for ARC’s, yes, definitely as they deserve it, there abusing something that they shouldn’t be. But also celebrate in your own and in other genuine bloggers success. In being added to those mailing lists, getting an ARC, receiving a press release email and even the very rare but much vaunted surprise book post you knew nothing about it shows that hard work and dedication along with a passion for reading can pay off as you try to carve your own little unique area in the book blogging community.

Any thoughts are welcome, there’s no right or wrong answer to my rambling.

68 thoughts on “ARC’s Ggggrrrr!

  1. I agree with this all. Though its redundant because we don’t get ARCs in India. I’ve been wanting review copies of a few books and I request them. Whether I get them or not is different. it feels like a reward to me. Like a “hey, we think your blog would suit this book” and when I hear that i feel like that is enough as a blogger. And new bloggers deserve arcs too. It’ll help keep up the blogging love! Like rewards in a video game. lol

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  2. I’ve been blogging since 2010 and only last year started to request arcs from NetGalley because I was reluctant to put my favourite hobby under any pressure at all. You have been very systematic and organised in your blogging and I think it’s really daft to suggest that it’s bad form to start requesting arcs early on in your blogging career. I’m guessing the reason why the delay is suggested is to prevent new bloggers rushing to request way more arcs than they can handle. But you have clearly worked out what you want to write about and which books you are especially keen and have gone for them.
    To be honest, I don’t mind if people exclusively blog about books for arcs – so long as they then step up and write the review in a suitable timespan. I get a bit fed up when folks snaffle up the arcs and then don’t feel they should produce the reviews – or jot down a couple of lines and call that a review. Fair enough if you are a casual reader, but not really good enough if you have been given a copy of the book for the express purpose of producing a review.

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  3. I started requesting from NetGalley and getting eArcs when I certainly didn’t have a blog for 6 months. Also I have been declined for several books by them that I really really want to read. That is life. I was sad but I will read them when they come out. Me little blog doesn’t have a ton of followers. I don’t do memes by choice. And I don’t care. I am grateful for the readers I have and the blogs I follow. When I get an eARC I get excited. But I am picky about what I request and try not to get too many so I can review the eARCs I do get within a decent timeframe. Thanks for yer post. It was an interesting read.
    x The Captain

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  4. Cool post. I’ve only been blogging for 4 months too, though I have been writing articles and reviewing books for Ginger Nuts of Horror for approximately 12 months and that has definitely helped me out in acquiring ARC’s from some of the bigger publishers. I gave up with Netgalley after being rejected a couple of times. I went direct to the publisher instead, gave them my bio and they sent me the books?!

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  5. Systematic and organised??? Me and my blog?? Erm…. Thankyou had never thought of that before. 😊

    Totally agree with you on jotting down a couple of lines for a review, I saw one review at just over a hundred words for a 400 page book the other day and while not an ARC it did seem rather short for a review.

    Thanks for commenting, it’s the first real discussion post I’ve done. 😊


  6. Drew’s first discussion post! 🤗 Here’s my feelings on ARCs. It doesn’t hurt to ask whether you started blogging yesterday or ten years ago. It’s up to the publisher if they want to approve someone for an ARC. There are some bloggers who infrequently post on their blog, have little experience, and write terrible reviews and still get ARCs. That makes me wonder if the publishers even have a real criteria for selecting reviewers. I can think of a few people off the top of my head (obviously you’re not one of them) that get approved all the time for ARCs, yet I’ve never read a single review on their so called book blog. They spend all day tweeting about their ARCs but never put into words their opinion of this book that was worth jabbering on about in incoherent ramblings and word vomit. You already know I don’t request ARCs. I haven’t attempted to get one in months and the last one I was approved for I stopped reading halfway through and wondered why I was wasting my time asking for them to begin with. I got 7 ARCs from NetGalley and only liked one of them. The only book I would’ve wanted an ARC of is Nevernight but didn’t even think to ask for one. I can wait so it’s not a big deal. Anyways, good post. And I don’t think the age of the blog matters. It’s the publishers decision and all the whiny ass people complaining over ARCs should learn to deal with life. The problem is the younger generations come from the “everyone gets a trophy for participating” school of thought so there’s always this sense of entitlement. No one handed me shit. I had to work for it. And sometimes things just don’t go your way, ARCs included. As they say around here, keep a stiff upper lip.

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    1. Thanks for the comment Jilly Billy, it’s nearly as long as my post! Ha, word vomit and incoherent rambling could describe my blog but I do write book reviews. 😊

      Ha, poor Princess Jilly Bean, doesn’t have a Nevernight ARC, it seems the whole world has ARC’s of that book! 😊

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      1. Ha! You know I’m incapable of writing short anything. There’s a reason I like to rant. 😉 And I hate when people whine about ARCs. It’s like go cry about it to your momma. Ugh! Ha! Don’t rub it in. At least my copy is signed by Jay Kristoff so shove it freeloader. 😝 Yeah, I know. I must’ve been the only blogger who didn’t think to ask for a copy. Oh well I have piles of books I need to read before it comes out.

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      2. Well, now that I know what that word means little Brit boy, you know I’m not a skrater. 😝 Yeah everyone knows you have an ARC since you had to flash it all over Twitter just so you could rub it in my face. 😂 I think we need to hug it out. ❤️ Hugs.

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      3. No. It was an accident. Of course, I was already following you, silly. I went to open your comment and my thumb hit the follow button. It’s a stupid place for it since that’s how I hold my phone and have done that many times already on accident to other bloggers.

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      4. I knew you’d notice. I’ve been following you for almost as long as I’ve been blogging, which is what a week less than you? I think I dropped my phone right around the same time. I’m trying to do too many things at once. 😂 Hugs ❤️

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  7. To be honest – I tend to stay away from news and stories about blogging so I’m not aware of what’s been the latest news story about the blogging community. I don’t think there’s any right or wrong way to go about requesting ARCs and I say good for you if you’re getting accepted for books you request. I tend to primarily use Netgalley but I like reading on Kindle as I find it more convenient – I like to buy the book after reading (because I like to own the books I love). I think book envy is inevitable, sometimes you just really want that one particular book and it feels like a slap being rejected. But, I’ve had plenty of rejections, I only have a small blog and I’ve never approached any publishers directly – that’s just because I’m a bit shy in that respect and Netgalley feels less personal somehow, but I certainly wouldn’t feel annoyed that others have been granted a book I was refused and I don’t feel naffed off at the publishers for declining my request – plus I can still go and buy the book anyway – like you said, an ARC is a bonus to blogging, you shouldn’t just expect it. (Although I admit that the initial rejection does feel really quite personal!). That’s just the way things go. I also have a backlog of books – which there are two main reasons for – (1) being foolish when I first joined Negalley and not being careful about requests (to be honest I didn’t expect to be granted some of the books and in fact it’s always a surprise for me when i’m okayed for an ARC) – this means that I have a few titles that are still unread. (2) some of the books I haven’t reviewed yet are not due out for the next four months and so I’m not going to review them yet as it just feels too early and quite a lot of publishers seem to prefer reviews to be posted nearer the release date – so, yeah, I would say I probably have about 20 books just waiting – but they’re scheduled for the month they’re due out.
    I don’t see why new blogs shouldn’t be granted ARCS in fact it just all lends a new and different voice to the community.
    Good for you that your blog is doing so well.
    Lynn 😀

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  8. Thanks for commenting. 😊 I like reading on my Kindle to though prefer it in the winter as I can see in the dark, dull and rainy nights with a Paperwhite so it’s quite nice reading a proper book in the sun – when it’s around in the UK during the summer.

    I’m shy but was cheeky I guess with emailing publishers, think I just thought it was worth a go to see what happened.

    I wouldn’t say my blog is doing so well, it still surprises me I got any followers but thankyou. 😊


  9. I’ve only been blogging since November last year, and yes – I do receive ARCs. I always make sure I review them in time for release and try and put as much information into my reviews as possible. I have some books now that aren’t due for release until the beginning of 2017 but that just means I will read and review them closer to the time.

    But I have seen a lot of posts for “new bloggers” on a “Guide to acquiring ARCs” and I always found this quite annoying. There is no right or wrong way to blog; one person will review one way, and another another way. As you mentioned about Titan, I emailed someone at another publishers as they were looking for people to review books and I thought I could give it a go whilst expanding on the types of books I read; I DM’d Titan as they were looking for new bloggers, and then recently I’ve been put onto a mailing list after I did request one specific book.

    In the grand scheme of things, whether I request an ARC or receive any will not effect my hobby/interest in reading or producing content for my blog. I would still go out and buy books to review and/or read for pleasure.

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  10. First of all: “I’ve been blogging for just over 4 months, have over 400 followers and have had 10,000 blog hits, not many for a lot of you, I know but for me it’s a lot and I’d like to class my blog as a success.” – dude, this is great success! Like seriously 🙂 I’ve been blogging for years and years, book blogging for about a year and I’m nowhere near those stats! XD

    It’s great you published this post, it’s well written and asks a number of great questions…

    Here’s to your blog success- cheers! 🙂

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  11. I’ve been blogging for five years and it took me a long time to get up the courage to seek out ARCs from publishers. I’ve also learned the hard way that it’s super easy to hit that “request” button on NetGalley and Edelweiss, but not so easy to read and review all the books. Now I’m pretty selective with what I request, and over the years I’ve developed relationships with publishers who now approach me about reviewing their books. For me it’s all about those relationships. My advice to new bloggers is to create a reputation for being a responsible blogger and following through with reviews for the ARCs you are sent. Publishers will remember that, and will happily add you to their lists for the next book.

    And yes, I still get turned down for books on NetGalley, and I sometimes send emails to publishers and never hear back from them. ARC envy? Of course! It’s only human nature to covet what other people have. But then I get a super exciting ARC and I don’t feel so bad about the ones I didn’t get:-)

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  12. First of all, I was going to say the same thing as Liz when it comes to the stats. I only hit 10k views yesterday and I’m blogging for 11 months now, sooooo, you’re doing grrrrrrreat! 🙂
    Secondly, I don’t give two shits where people get their ARC’s from, as long as they write a review about it (and post it on public places ^^). I hardly get any physical ARC’s sent my way unless it’s from the author directly because I live in a shithole, and that’s too bad, but if I see some (physical) ARC book hauls coming by, I’m like Good Lord, I wouldn’t even know where to store them all! I’m moderate with NetGalley requests so I can keep up my 80% rating and the books that I really want? I just buy them.
    Thirdly, who are these people yapping about it anyways? It’s like snatching a pacifier out of a baby’s mouth for christ sake ^^

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  13. I had no idea that there was any kind of controversy regarding bloggers and eARCs. I started blogging two years ago and I freely admit that most of my reviews are for NetGalley books. I was a children’s librarian for 26 years before I became disabled in 2012, and one of the things I miss the most is talking about and recommending books to patrons. While I’ve gotten some “meh” and outright horribly written eARCS, for the most part I’ve gotten some phenomenal reads both from established authors as well as new ones. There is nothing I LOVE more than sharing a truly great read with my followers! As far as the etiquette goes, I don’t think there should be any constraints put on blogging about eARCS. I don’t care if someone is a new blogger. If the publisher is willing to send them an eARC, as long as they review it, then good for them!

    BTW, congrats on your impressive numbers Drew!

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    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment. 😊 It’s more a controversy over proper books than e-books, I used Netgalley as the example that requesting e-Arcs is the same as requesting real books, you will either be declined or accepted but I’d read a couple of posts recently about requesting ARC’s and the whole etiquette and it annoyed me abit which was why I wrote this post, which has surprisingly been well received. 😊 Thankyou but I wouldn’t say I have impressive numbers, honestly I’m still surprised that I have followers and even get, follows, likes and comments. 😊

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  14. Whether you’ve been blogging for 1 month or 1 year, you can request ARCs from a publisher – just be aware that your request can be accepted or denied for whatever reason. It’s their decision in the end, and from my experience there is no one rule or one set of guidelines. I’ve also been told that publicists take each request on a case-by-case basis, depending on the book. Requests for a high-profile title would probably be granted to bloggers who have more followers, bigger reach, etc. since ARCs would be limited, while books that need more buzz might be handed out to practically anyone who asked for one. The point is, it never hurts to ask.

    I myself did not start writing emails to publicists until I was blogging for one year, and before that I was reviewing my own purchased books, library books, or the occasional book I was granted access to via NetGalley. I didn’t wait one year because of any stated “rule” or “etiquette” though, it was a time frame set mostly for myself by myself, because I know personally I am bad at sticking with new hobbies and I wanted to know book blogging was something I could commit to before I started contacting publishers. A lot of folks don’t realize what a big deal it is to receive an ARC – here’s a quote directly from a publicist about ARCs: “They cost far more than the actual published book (economies of scale) and it’s a quid pro quo: we give out ARCs to reviewers in exchange for their time and opinion, with the aim being to – ideally – sell copies of said book to readers.” (source is my friend’s blog, who a couple years ago interviewed two publicists…a very enlightening read:

    While it might seem silly to some to hear this, I was actually scared shitless when I made my first request, and I felt incredibly honored when it was accepted. To me, book blogging is not just about “getting lulz free books”, it’s about a passion and a hobby and a trust between me and the publicists I work with. I’ve been blogging for 3 or 4 years now, and admittedly I don’t do much requesting anymore. These days publicists either email me about a title or send me ARCs in the mail unsolicited, but even then nothing has changed in the way I feel about receiving books – I am grateful for every one I receive, and despite having blogged for several years, sometimes I still feel amazed and incredibly humbled that publishers are actually sending me books.

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  15. I loved this! You’ve hit the nail on the head. I too get ARC envy but it is never malicious, it’s more of a “Yeah, one day I’ll be able to be established enough to get an ARC of that magnitude”. I have been lucky on the odd occasion and I was jumping for joy when I was approved for ‘Sharp Ends’. I have been knocked back a few times but I just keep plugging away. Great post!

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      1. Haha true that!! If anyone gets a Joe Abercrombie ARC that I don’t, there will be envy in abundance. I’d still be happy for them though, I think that’s the difference 😃

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  16. Ohh I’m so familiar with ARC envy but what can you do. I’ve had ARCs that other people wanted at some point, it happens. I most certainly didn’t wait half a year to request my first ARC, I think I was blogging for less than a month and didn’t even have 10 followers and I still got the ARC because I was genuinely into that book and couldn’t wait.

    As for netgalley, it is the most amazing way to get ARCs to bloggers outside of the US/UK in which cases you might not even get the ARCs before they are published (which is the main reason) so it helps.

    There are no rules on how to book blog and things don’t work the same for everyone and that’s acceptable. Great post btw!

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  17. Yeah, I think people can get lost in the follower numbers and believe their follow count entitles them to something they don’t have, which isn’t the case. A lot of the time publishers want to see that you’ve fulfilled ARC reviews before and have experience talking about books in a constructive way. Yes, a following is important, but they also want to see that you know what you’re doing. For example – the Nevernight ARC, which I got despite being a blogger for a month. It was a question of right place, right time for Netgalley.

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  18. Whenever I see a quantified benchmark prior to requesting ARCs (e.g. 6 months of blogging), I do feel as though those who recommend that mean well in that they’re of mentality that at least you have something to show for your effort that isn’t limited to just “enthusiasm”. It’s just that [some] bloggers seem to take these comments as some hard and fast rule/guideline that must be upheld when requesting when there are so many other considerations to be factored into it (like you mentioned: mailing lists, publicity contacts, etc).

    But like…no, if you want to try to request a book, go ahead! You might fall on your face sometimes (I sure did…like 12938721 times) but it won’t be all for naught if you earn a contact out of it or something, I’d say.

    The e-ARC versus ARC thing is might be rooted in some reason of tangibility since ARCs don’t technically expire while [most] e-ARCs do? I’m just shooting into the dark though since I rarely request e-ARCs as I don’t enjoy reading on my phone haha.

    I think my biggest tick on ARCs is that I see bloggers getting discouraged that they’re finding themselves (and their voice by proxy) lesser important because they aren’t getting the newest and shiniest [unreleased] ABC. They’re a nice perk, yes, but there are so many avenues to find success within the blogging/reading community not limited to just these “free” copies. Ahhhhh.

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  19. I run a pretty small blog – it’s growing 😉 I can see where people think only the larger blogs should get/request ARC books from publishers but obviously the pubs don’t feel that way. Otherwise you’d never get new people and opinions in the mix. I have gotten several ARC books direct from publishers/authors. I don’t think anyone “shouldn’t” ask for something you intend to read and review honestly. I don’t understand the competition mentality. Read what you love, be happy you get to indulge in such a unique hobby.

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  20. I have 10 followers so I am not one to speak but I generally read old books so and I don’t get many ARC so I don’t have any ARC envy or I garner any ARC envy (I think) but I do think it’s cool when I see others getting an ARC, I made a blog to just put my views on a book I read out there for someone (10 unfortunate people at this point) to read , and similarly I follow a blog to read their views so when someone I follow gets an ARC I am happy because i’ll get to know the views of that Blogger on a book i’d probably not read or will not read for a while , anyways nice to read about this subject

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  21. Wow, well I didn’t know you could request an ARC, in fact I still don’t know what Netgallery is so maybe that’s the problem!:p I get ARCs from a couple of publishers but I never requested them, these publishers found me on amazon as a top reviewer and asked me to review their book. I then told them how much I enjoy reading and reviewing books and so I get more! Yay! I also now have a small international publisher interested in me reviewing ARCs for them plus plenty of actual authors asking me to review their book ARC. I never went out there and outrightly asked…I wouldn’t know how 😦

    I don’t think the timeframe matters. what matters is how good you are as a reviewer and if a publisher wants to give you an ARC what’s stopping them, it’s their choice at the end of the day. Btw how does metgallery work, I’ve never seen it only heard others mention it 😮

    As for ARC envy. I can understand having some envy, it’s only natural to want to be the first to read a copy of a book, just the same as with being the first to see a movie or first to play a video game. However I’ve never suffered real envy. I am in fact one of those people who gets all excited and feels priviledged to get an ARC I have though gotten very annoyed at reviewers who post useless and short reviews and who clearly haven’t bothered to really read something or just don’t care to do a decent job reviewing. I feel bad for the authors and publishers when I read useless reviews like that. I’ve met a lot of unpleasant reviewers on amazon…You think some book bloggers are bad? You’ve seen nothing until you join in the amazon world!!!

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    1. Yeah, people who post short reviews annoy me at times to, everyone has their own review style but I don’t understand how you can review a 400 page book in 100 words.

      Netgalley is for e-Arcs, you sign up and request the e-Arc through Netgalley, it has lots of publishers on there, you may get the arc but you also maybe declined – just like requesting a proper arc from a publisher. If you read ebooks it’s a good way to get ARC’s and books in general as there are thousands on there. 😊

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  22. Here’s my two cents about the subject. I have some healthy envy but that’s all. I don’t see why someone made up rules and guidelines. If you can get an ARC before blogging 6 months or having so many followers, good for you. It means you are doing something right, and you certainly will have to deliver a review or it will stay with one opportunity. It’s like a ball that keeps on rolling, one thing leads to another if you do it good and that’s why there are people getting so many each week. Apart from Netgalley (which I requested as soon as I heard of it, I don’t mind admitting it) I wouldn’t even know where to request the ‘real books’ and I think you are most often contacted by publishers themselves for those kind of ARC’s, so who’s going to say no to that.

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  23. I’ve read plenty of ARC tips saying “blog for 6 months etc.” but didn’t listen and started requesting a few months after I building a decent base of reviews. I get books form a few publishers, but nothing crazy an I always make sure I have time to review the books close to the release date. I’ll admit, I have ARC envy, but it’s mostly for those big release titles that I’ll buy anyways. Love to hear your insight on the subject!

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  24. This is a great post and great discussion thread. I don’t agree with any set time a blogger should be blogging for in order to request an ARC. I admit that 90% of my reviews come from ARC that I either request or are offered to me for review. My pet peeve with reviewing ARCs is that there is an overinflation on the rating. I tend to think that bloggers, especially newer bloggers, who are afraid to give a negative review usually exaggerate the ratings of ARCs versus books they borrowed from a library, for example. The pressure is even greater when an author personally asks you to review their book and their book sucks. Then what? I usually have real clear cut guidelines on my blog regarding my review policy. I also remind authors that I’m in no obligation to finish their book or to write a positive review. Having said that, I have for many months avoided writing reviews that I rated less than 3-stars. I already don’t review 1-star books, but I have a few 2-star reviews on my blog. So, recently when working with a book tour agency, I was given a book to review, and I felt the book was poorly written and the story was choppy and just not my cup of tea. In order not to leave a bad review, I contacted the book tour company to know my obligations regarding that review and how I didn’t feel comfortable giving a bad review. I was instructed that I had to publish a review (even a negative one) no matter what. To me, this was a huge eye opener. I did not want to give a better review just because someone was making me. I published the review, gave it 2-stars and now I’m just a lot more selective about the books I request and accept.

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  25. I am a netgalley user too, as long as you read the books and write the reviews everyone should be allowed. Put it this was I have been blogging for three years and you have more followers than me. I must be doing something wrong 😦

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  26. Intriguing post!!!

    ARC-envy (or, in my specific case, e-ARC envy) does happen now and then, even though it does not turn me green and angry like the Hulk 🙂 since I understand the rule “win some, lose some” always applies. I also understand that the rule about having an established blog and/or a given number of followers is there because the publishers want the maximum number of blog readers to see the review and therefore to want to buy the book, so I can see where the preference for a more widely followed blog might come from.

    What really puzzles me, instead, are some of the country restrictions applied by NetGalley (but not by Edelweiss, as far as I know): a great number of e-ARCS is reserved for USA-based bloggers, and a more restricted number for UK- and Australian-only bloggers. Since the Internet knows no borders, and since language is not a barrier anymore, I frankly don’t understand this choice of the publishers, one that bars me (I’m in Italy) from requesting too many books I would love to read. Nothing assures me that I would be vetted for that particular book, granted, but “closing the door” even before I can knock on it makes little sense indeed.

    Not enough for the Hulk transformation, though… 😀

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    1. Thanks for commenting, I’d never thought that about Netgalley but you make a damn good point! 😊

      Ah, yeah, I agree about the publisher wanting an established blog with lots of followers, the post came about though due to a few I had read by other bloggers about blogging etiquette and it not being fair on them if your a new blogger and/or don’t have many followers and request ARC’s.

      Praise for the Hulk references! 😊


  27. I always assumed the guidelines/suggestions you see about requesting ARCs were more to improve your likelihood of being approved rather than a “you are not allowed to try earlier than that”. And eARCs have way less overhead/cost for the publisher, so to me it makes sense to start out with those (publishers can approve more eARCs than physical ARCs which from what I hear cost more to make than the finished copies). Some of it is also to help new bloggers keep their ARC load manageable. On NetGalley if you don’t keep your stats up, you are much less likely to be approved for some titles. All of this said, I also tend to try and avoid blogger “drama”, so you may be referring to some events/posts that I didn’t catch.

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    1. Thanks for commenting, totally agree about E-ARCS. It wasn’t really blogger drama, I just read a few posts that were aimed at new bloggers and they were worded to make it read like ‘your a new blogger don’t you dare request ARC’s’ it’s unfair to more established bloggers, show respect’ it didn’t come across as to help new bloggers and it annoyed me slightly, hence my ramble. 😊


  28. Interesting! I didn’t realize the 6 months / x amount of followers was an etiquette thing. I always thought it was just a general benchmark for likelihood of ARC approval from publishers. How dare other bloggers dictate what you can and can’t do, lol. I didn’t have to worry about that too much because it took me an embarrassingly long time to discover where to get arcs in the first place. Great post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou and thanks for taking the time to comment.😊 I’m not entirely sure it is an etiquette thing for everyone, it was more to do with a few posts I read that came across that way and were rants by bloggers about bloggers requesting ARC’s before 6 months/x amount of followers and it being unfair to them, it annoyed me slightly hence my diatribe in response. 😂


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