Friday Face-Off · Various Things

Friday Face-Off 21st October 2016.


The Friday Face-Off is a new meme created by Books by Proxy, where the idea is to compare the UK and US covers of a book with each week  being a certain theme, this week’s theme is: “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home” – a cover with a house/abandoned house.

For the theme this week I have chosen: Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.

Cover A:


Cover B:


Cover C:


Cover D:


Cover E:


Cover F:


Cover G:


Cover H:



Cover A:


Quite a variety of choices this week with various different designs on the covers, but I’m choosing Cover A as my winner purely down to the fact that I’m getting old and sentimentality has taken over,  as my good friend Jill at Rant and Rave about Books bought me it as it’s one of her favourite books and she wants me to read it! 🙂

Thoughts?? Agree?? Disagree??

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45 thoughts on “Friday Face-Off 21st October 2016.

      1. I’m actually wondering now if vampires can make a mess like that technically *strokes chin*. I should probably ask Jill on her next Q&A :’)

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  1. Once again, a great choice, Drew! My favourite has to be Cover G – I’m aware the fact it is smaller slightly compromises its effectiveness, but I think the reddish sky and the ruined house below it give a great sense of atmosphere and threat.

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  2. After reading the synopsis on Goodreads, I would say Cover A and H. Cover F looks good just not for this story. I don’t understand the green of Cover D, it looks like if I was on a line waiting for a friend, then I would use that book to wave it around so my friend can find me.

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    1. I quite like Cover D with the garish lime green, I’ve got a couple of other King books planned for face-off posts and it seems to be a collection a publisher has done of his works as there’s some other rather hideous covers of similar style for other books.

      You have a point though, if you waved it around the person would definitely see it!😂

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  3. Thinking C and D on this one actually. I don’t know. I have been in a minimalist sort of mood as of late. And I cannot stop looking at that green haha. Which is odd, because normally I would probably find it atrocious! I don’t even remember which one I own. Scanning through my books now, but cannot locate it?!

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      1. HAHA! I was seriously just saying the same thing to myself. I have a ton of King though. I believe, shamefully some are still packed up in my closet. I own more of his work than any other author. Close seconds include Anne Rice and Dean Koontz.

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  4. I like Cover A! But I also like Cover F too. It looks creepy. I haven’t read Salem’s Lot… but I’m pretty sure I watched the movie. Didn’t they make a movie ?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A is the best cover and it fits the book better than any of them. 🙌 It’s all about the house! I think people would get the cover more if they had read the book. I completely agree with your choice. The other covers just don’t make sense to me for this book. You’ll see what I mean after you read it. 🙂

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