My Musings

My Reading Year in Book Covers for 2019. #Bookblogger #Bookbloggers #Blogger #Bloggers #Books #Bookcovers


A nice and easy simple post for you all today showing all of the covers for the books that I read in 2019. I read 69 books that totalled 25,491 pages. That’s not many compared to those of you who read 150 – 200+ books each year and some of the books are novella length or short stories. But, taking those into account I have read more than the 51 books that I managed in 2018 and for me, I feel that I had a good reading year and I read some absolutely amazing books. 🙂

So, I present to you all:

My Reading Year in Book Covers for 2019.

19 thoughts on “My Reading Year in Book Covers for 2019. #Bookblogger #Bookbloggers #Blogger #Bloggers #Books #Bookcovers

    1. He is, damn good with the emotion too. I preferred One Word Kill to Limited Wish but it is still a terrific book.

      Ah, I really enjoyed The Gutter Prayer, some dark creations in there to rival the monstrosities from The Misery in The Raven’s Mark.👍

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy new year! Hope you have an awesome 2020 🙂
    Great list! I spotted some books i also enjoyed (like Chestnut Man, Annie Thorne, The Chain) and some i’m planning to read soon (One Word Kill, Whisper Man). I promised myself i won’t get distracted by mediocre thrillers so much again, because i must say, most of the books i ended up reading this year were just sort of ok-ish… 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, happy new year to you too.😀

      One Word Kill and The Whisper Man are both terrific. A lot of hype for The Whisper Man, a lot but it is fully deserving and so good.

      Ah, mediocre thrillers, a bit like mediocre fantasy and others, we ain’t got time for that sh#t.😂

      Liked by 1 person

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