Friday Face-Off · Various Things

Friday Face-Off 5th August 2016.


The Friday Face-Off is a new meme created by Books by Proxy, where the idea is to compare the UK and US covers of a book with each week  being a certain theme, this week’s theme is “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.”  – a cover which features the moon.

For the theme this week I am kicking it back with the kids and have chosen: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling.

Cover A:

moon 2

Cover B:

moon 4

Cover C:

moon 5

Cover D:


Cover E:


Cover F:

moon 6


Cover D:


For me, I really like the overall blueish tone of the cover. The lightning bolt through the ‘O’ in the Potter of the title is a really small but nice detail. And, along with Harry, his billowing robes and the detailed Patronus charm, added together they all make for a stunning looking cover. Cover F is pretty cool to though, ecspecially the artistic style. 

Thoughts?? Agree?? Disagree??

And for anyone that wants to take part next week, the theme is: “May flights of angels lead you on your way”. A cover featuring an angel/Angels.

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17 thoughts on “Friday Face-Off 5th August 2016.

  1. Oh, what a great choice of book, Drew:). I love E – and also D. It’s not just a case of blue – they are just better covers. The original Bloomsbury cover did HP no favours whatsoever, in my opinion…

    Liked by 2 people

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