Book Reviews

A Plague of Swords Book Review.

  • A Plague of Swords (The Traitor Son Cycle Book 4).
  • Miles Cameron.
  • 464 pages.
  • Fantasy / Epic Fantasy / High Fantasy / Heroic Fantasy.
  • My Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5.


Book Blurb:

One enemy has fallen … a greater one remains … now it’s war The Red Knight withstood the full might of his enemy and won the day. In a victory which will be remembered through the ages, he brought disparate factions together and turned them into allies against a more powerful foe than they had ever seen. Now, he will need his allies more than ever. Because behind one adversary hid another–one with allies of their own–whose goal was never to destroy Alba, but to distract the Kingdom while achieving his true aim. And whatever it is, it’s probably not in the Red Knight’s interest. With one army defeated, now the Red Knight must fight again–and for every one of his allies there is a corresponding enemy. Spread out in different lands, and on sea, it will all come down to one last gamble. And to whether or not the Red Knight has guessed their foe’s true intentions. With each throw of the dice, everything could be lost.

Book Review:

I received a free copy of this book courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

A Plague of Swords is the penultimate book in Mile Cameron’s complex and utterly engrossing 5 book fantasy series The Traitor Son Cycle to be followed by The Fall Of Dragons hopefully in the not to distant future!

After the conclusion at the end of the previous book (The Dread Wyrm) we are once again thrust straight back into the action and drama of the series. The Dread Wyrm ended with the alliance between the humans and non-humans gaining a vital victory in an epic battle that helped ensure the fate of the world for another day.

That battle left ramifications, which are now being felt and while one enemy is retreating in an attempt to regroup. Yet another malignant entity appears and The Red Knight and the alliance, now looking at enemies on three separate fronts in two distant locations are required midway into the book to split and fight. With each being lead by a Muriens Brother, Gabriel, Gavin and the younger Aneas leading a much smaller force.

Being the second to last book in the series, there’s no lull in the story telling or plot like you often see in other fantasy series, where the author draws both the main storyline and individual character arcs out, plodding along at a sedate pace simply to set up the epic conclusion in the final installment. But not with Cameron, no! Cameron once again gives us a fast paced if slightly streamlined (the book length is around 100 pages shorter than the previous books) tale that pulls you in from the first page and doesn’t let go until the last.

Adding little extra layers to the story being told and plots within plots, Cameron keeps enlarging both his cast of characters and the world he has created. This time around we are treated to a look at some new areas, new characters and Cameron also introduces us to sea travel and with it, the resulting sea monsters that plague the seas. And the ensuing sea battles truly are epic and a highlight of the book.

It’s hard to review a book when it’s part of a series, especially when it’s a later book  and you don’t want to give anything away that has happened in the previous books as one of the main reasons I love fantasy so much is the journey that you get to take with the characters from that very first page all the way through to the very last – if the characters survive that long of course. Alas, being fantasy, we do see a few deaths in this book, mark my words!

The characters and their development in the Traitor Son Cycle have always been top quality with Cameron creating a core group of three-dimensional characters that you can really get behind and in Gabriel Muriens, The Red Knight he has created one of the best characters in fantasy to centre his epic tale around. Many pages ago, way back when at the start of the series Gabriel had some very unlikeable traits but he was still a captivating character that managed to draw you in. Now four books in we know him, those traits are what we like about him and while they have been somewhat tempered, they are still there just not so prominent, only on occasion and he seems more comfortable with his fate and in himself giving a much more human aspect to the character. The Red Knight with his crazy plans, schemes and never knowing what he’s likely to do next is an exceptional character, dynamic, captivating and enigmatic and a leader that you want to follow.

I’m loathe to compare characters especially when they are from different media and different eras. But, the one comparison that I have kept coming back to with Gabriel whilst reading this series (no offence is meant to the author) is that Gabriel reminds me of Hannibal from The A-Team.

For those of you who don’t know it, The A-Team was a 1980’s  action and adventure TV show where a US Army Special Forces unit escaped from military jail where they were being held for a crime they didn’t commit (it’s a classic and one of my all time favourite TV shows). The group was led by Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith a master tactician who each episode would come up with crazy and daring plans to aid and help innocent people, now whether or not those plans always worked out the way they should have is another question! But, after his plan in some form had come to fruition and the villain had been thwarted, Hannibal would always say his famous catchphrase “I love it when a plan comes together” and that’s what reminds me of Gabriel in this series, he shares some traits with Hannibal and as such I can easily picture him grinning away and reciting Hannibal’s old catchphrase.

With such a large cast of characters there’s sometimes pages between them appearing and then we only get fleeting glimpses of them but it’s all part of  the story being told in A Plague of Swords and the new characters and certain other older ones take precedence. It’s only my personal stand point but some of the best parts in the series have been the camaraderie, banter and interplay between certain characters, Bad Tom and Sauce, Bad Tom and Gabriel and Sauce and Gabriel and the interactions between them this time are somewhat limited.

For me, that’s a double-edged sword as you miss the characters when they’re not on the page or interacting with each other but it also adds to the enjoyment that you get when they do appear together. You often can’t help but smile at some of the things they say to each other and even though The Red Knight’s company has exponentially grown at its core his casa still feels like a family and it’s a pleasure to take this journey with them. The new characters introduced fit in well with the book, story and overall tone of the series and are decent additions to the already expansive array of personalities on display.

It has to be wrote that one of my favourite characters in the book isn’t even human, anyone who reads this blog will know that I have a soft spot for animal companions in fantasy books (Nighteyes in The Farseer Trilogy and Storm in The Faithful and The Fallen series are the two that immediately spring to mind) and you can now add Gabriel’s pet Gryphon Ariosto to that list, the conversations between the two were one of the books highlights for me and are one of the many little gems strewn throughout A Plague of Swords with Ariosto being a slightly weird but absolutely wonderful creation.

One of the main reasons why The Traitor Son Cycle should be placed in the upper echelons of fantasy is the inclusion of both military and historical fiction elements to the series. These additions are a welcome highlight giving you a merging together of fantasy and history that makes for the perfect blend, creating a unique fantastical setting that has its foundation steeped in historical influence.

The author himself is a keen reenactor and you can see that he has used his knowledge of the subject in the detailed descriptions of armour, military and battles found within the book and the series on a whole. That has always been one of the many highlights of the series and something that helps to set it apart from the various other fantasy series out there, the attention to detail that Cameron includes when describing the various armour, weaponry and battle formations and tactics.

I had a few slight niggles about the book, firstly as mentioned above the lack of interaction between certain characters. Secondly, that a few of the plot points are only glossed over with and could have perhaps been further developed. And, thirdly, the lack of emphasis on the military aspect this time around with the focus in battle shifting more towards the magical. However, none of these very minor flaws were enough to detract from my enjoyment of the book in the least with the book still being a thoroughly enjoyable read.

The magic system has always been well thought out and it’s used really well during A Plague of Swords, both in battles and for other parts of the story to. The battles are all of a high standard, be they the sea battles, smaller skirmishes in the wilderness or the larger scale battles that take place.

Cameron’s world building continues to be top quality and he further develops and increases the scale of his constructed world by introducing new areas and delving deeper into locations that we have already visited. His writing style draws you in with vivid descriptions, emotion, humour and visceral action.

Would I recommend A Plague of Swords? Yes, I would! It’s a good book in its own right. But, I’m a firm believer in that to truly get the most out of a series you need to start at the very beginning with the first book, that way you get to join the characters on their journey from the start and build a relationship with them growing to care about the trials and tribulations they find themselves in and their fates.

And, while A Plague of Swords fails to live up to the high standard Cameron set with the previous three books in the series (The Red Knight, The Fell Sword and The Dread Wyrm) it’s still a thoroughly enjoyable, engrossing and welcome addition to The Traitor Son Cycle that deserves to be at the forefront of fantasy. Leaving you waiting in eager anticipation for the final installment and what is sure to be an epic conclusion.

And, for The Traitor Son Cycle itself, well, yes, I most definitely would recommend this series. It’s a truly stunning epic fantasy series that in this humble bloggers opinion deserves to be listed as one of the top fantasy series and for me is a guaranteed must read.

If you’re not already part of The Red Knight’s Company then sign up now and let Gabriel and his bunch of colourful characters lead you on an epic journey, highly recommended.


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49 thoughts on “A Plague of Swords Book Review.

  1. Fantastic review. It is so hard to review books in a series. I find that if it is a later book, I have to read all of the previous books in the series. Usually happens when I’ve been asked for a review. Plus side– I’ve discovered wonderful

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.😀

      It really is hard to review books in a series especially later books and as I try to avoid spoilers it makes it even harder.😂

      Totally agree about finding some great series after being sent a later book to review and then reading the previous books.😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks.😀

      Ah, well, they are wesome sounding because they’re adult fantasy and not Y-A!😂

      Alas, I can’t disagree with the awesome sounding books bit as there are some top quality fantasy series out there.

      If I wasn’t so lazy I’d do a top fantasy series blog post, I do a finished trilogies one but so far my procrastination has gotten in the way of the series post.😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure I will – while I take on board some of your misgivings, like you, I regard this fantasy series as one of the best I’m reading at present.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that cover! I’ve been sorely tempted by this one, but haven’t read the first three. I think you may have just convinced me, though, that I should do just that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely a great series that I’d highly recommend.😀

      If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it.

      The cover is great, it’s the UK one, the UK covers for the whole series are quality and have that same style which fits the book really well, the US covers are more generic looking.


    1. That’s true about comparing reviews and seeing different views.😀

      In my opinion it’s one of the best fantasy series out there and while this isn’t upto the same standard as the first three it’s still a great read, I can understand people having some issues with it though I’d ask them if those issues actually affected their enjoyment of the book as I feel that’s a big part of reading regardless of issues with a book, how much you enjoyed your time spent reading it.😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was pretty okay with all of the plodding to be honest.. I can definitely appreciate how unbearable it must have been for some, but I totally loved it all for some crazy reason.. GRRM may be an ahole that keeps us waiting, but that man is magic 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh see, that is where I was lucky. I did not start the series until all current books were out. Little did I know I should have held off longer haha. But I do remember reading that and imaging how pissed people had to be at the time of release 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow!! That is some review, Drew. I really appreciate how you managed to review a late-series book without spoilers. That is something I struggle with often in my own reviews, and why I rarely review whole series. I haven’t heard of this series before, but it sounds exciting! I personally would probably *like* the switch from military to magic, but I get bored with tactics and details about weapons and armor. We shall see what I think eventually! You have expanded my TBR so much, I just don’t know if I’ll ever get though all these books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.😀

      I’m not a fan of spoilers and try to stay away from them the best I can, it’s hard with a late series book though, I’d read all the others pre-blog though so don’t have any reviews and maybe if I’d reviewed them on my blog and mentioned the story it would have kept in with those previous reviews explaining more about what was happening, etc since the last book. But as I haven’t it seemed wrong to go on about the story as I don’t like books to be ruined, I’m one of these people that thinks, especially for fantasy that part of reading is taking the journey and finding out what’s going to happen.

      I read so much fantasy that for me the emphasis on tactics, weapons and armour with less magic made a nice change of pace and while that emphasis switched more in this book the magic used in the series is great.

      Alas, does anyone know if there’ll ever get through their TBR lists, maybe if no new books were released but then there’s still so many great older books to read to!😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Series reviews are hard to write, pre or post blog start. Particularly so deep into one. I think omitting the story is totally okay this deep- at this point things plot related would be too challenging to keep up with!
        I get that tactics is probably an awesome change of pace for you. I can totally appreciate that. The military thing just is usually the part of the book I skim… 😁
        My TBR is getting soooo long. It’s a bit depressing sometimes. I want to just take a year off and do nothing but read. Then I’d feel better, I think.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, tactics is a change of pace, same for when there’s guns to (The Shadow Campaigns series) as it adds something different to just magic, etc in fantasy.

        Lol, TBR lists are made to keep increasing – unfortunately.😂


      1. A few years ago for some reason I said I pity the fool and my younger 2 kids asked what I was talking about. So I asked my oldest if he knew what it was from. He said of course. I was like good I am not that old. Then he says Him and his friends had been streaming all the old classics every Friday and doing their Mystery Science Theater impersonations. My other 2 kids asked what MST was. They wouldn’t stop laughing as walked away pretend crying. Leaning on the wall for support for my old bones. My oldest is 20 now………

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I just read through the comments and it was probably my review Vertigo was talking about. I did like it but it was the slowest in pacing, and the narrator seamed to take a breath between every word so that made it so much worse. It is a truly great series, But to me this was the bottom of the 4 books so far. But number 5 Should be amazing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Totally agree it’s the poorest book yet in the series but still a lot better than most out others there and definitely high hopes for the final book.

      Ah, that would be mega annoying, I’m not a fan of audio books but that would really annoy me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I had the speed at 1.2 usually at that speed it sounds like one long run on sentence. It seamed like it was on normal speed to me. But at 1.3 I couldn’t understand it. If I didn’t love the series so much I would have quit it.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. We love the vibe on this blog, are we I’m middle earth people, is that where we are. We live the review, and we may have to check it out. I noticed you review books here, so I’d really like your feedback on a few of my pieces of literature. Please check out The Empty Voter…Miss Scarlet & BLUE Jasmine… They are all incredible and I need honest feedback from terrific critics like yourself

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It IS hard to review a final book in a series, isn’t it? It’s all spoilers and end results! I like your graphic at the end: what did you use to make it? I love the parchment look!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, it’s only the penultimate book, I’m reading another penultimate book in another series to and also the last book in my favourite fantasy series at the moment, it is hard as I try and stay away from spoilers but with books into a series it means only vaguely skirting certain areas like the story, etc.

      I use picmonkey for my graphics, a lot of bloggers use Canva but I’ve never tried it as I find picmonkey easy to use.


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