My Musings

My Favourite Christmas Movies.


 I’ve seen a few top/favourite Christmas movie lists going around the blogsphere and I decided that I would stop being The Grinch and Scrooge for a day, take part in the festivities of the season, whiten my facial hair, rock a red hat and pretend that I am Santa delivering you a most awesome list of Christmas movies. As, well, who doesn’t like a good Christmas movie! 🙂

In no particular order:

Home Alone (1990):


Gremlins (1984):


Bad Santa (2003):


The Santa Clause (1994):


Die Hard (1988):


Elf (2003):


Christmas with the Kranks (2004):


Krampus (2015):


Batman Returns (1992):


A variety and cornucopia of festive movies, a cult horror comedy classic in Gremlins, such good fun. A new black comedy horror in Krampus, it’s another surprisingly good movie with some quality creatures in it. Some real festive classics in Home Alone, The Santa Clause and Elf, all great movies to watch this time of year. Bad Santa and Christmas with the Kranks, two love them or hate them films but for my sins I really like them both. And finally, Die hard and Batman Returns! Some of you may well scoff at these selections and wonder WTF I’m doing including them in a Christmas list?!?!? Well………Die Hard takes place on Christmas Eve at a Christmas Party, so technically it’s a Christmas movie and it’s a damn good classic action movie anyway. And, Batman Returns, well, the link is quite tenuous but on a snowy night (snow = winter) little baby Oswald Cobblepot is dumped in a stream by his parents and then, years later Oswald now grown, returns during the festive season, so to me, it’s a Christmas film and anyway, it’s Batman, enough said! 🙂

So, what are some of your favourite Christmas films????

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117 thoughts on “My Favourite Christmas Movies.

  1. I’m just curious, did you secretly dye your beard white to write this post? Haha I love Christmas movies! I actually watched Elf just last night and about a week ago I watched Christmas with the Kranks (probably my favorite Christmas movie, along with Home Alone).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I haven’t seen Elf yet this year unfortunately, I keep missing it or forgetting to record it when it’s on, gotta watch it soon though, awesome movie.😀

      Alas, no, I didn’t actually dye it white, the white might not have washed out and have turned it grey!😂

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  2. Great list… Krampus is a a movie I’d defo watch again… I am totally overindulged with Home alone though and it may be sacrilege but I could not make myself sit through another session of it… 😀 It’s funny, yes, but I’ve seen it a million times and everything in life has expiration date. For me, anyway.
    Die Hard and Batman are good choices on the list… a bit of action over xmas is just what the Santa prescribes!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Krampus is great, one of those so bad it’s good movies and is awesome, eagerly awaiting to find out what Danielle thinks about it when she’s watched it.😀

      Can’t beat a bit of action, especially over Christmas, alas some bloggers weren’t even born when Die Hard was released.😂

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      1. Yes, you nailed it there with Krampus! We’ll hear from Danielle I’m sure.. it will either be – guys, you were right! or – what the hell did I just waste my time on? 😁
        ah, yeah, it’s hard to get my head around the fact that someone born on 2000 , say, is 16… that makes me feel so old! 😁

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  3. I have to say Elf remains my favourite in my heart. For some reason as I got older the kid from Home Alone really began to bug me :/

    Great post!

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  4. My favorites that I watch every year are Charlie Brown Christmas, the Jim Carrey version of The Grinch, and Home Alone. I also have a Harry Potter “marathon” where we watch 1-2 of the movies a day (now I have someone to watch with! 😀 )

    I haven’t seen Elf but it looks so good! Maybe I’ll get around to it this year 🙂

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      1. I just like how my kids have no idea Jim Carrey is describing adulting for half the movie 😂

        I discovered Harry Potter during the winter holidays so it’s linked in my mind 😀

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  5. My favorites are Home Alone, Elf, and Bad Santa, all of which I own and have yet to watch this season. Bad Santa is SO BAD but also so funny if you don’t mind profanity! I saw that it has a sequel out soon but I’m not dying to see it. I feel like the first one was satisfying enough for me! Maybe I’ll catch it on DVD or Netflix in the future.

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    1. Yeah, I’ve read there’s a sequel to, I don’t think it’s getting very good reviews, I’d be interested to see it at some point just to see what it’s like but I’m certainly not in any rush to watch it.

      Nothing wrong with profanity and have to agree it’s so bad, it’s one of those films that’s so bad somewhere along watching it it turns out to be really good.😂

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  6. I like all these movies! But from your list, Elf is my favorite! My all time favorites are A Christmas Story and Nightmare Before Christmas. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elf is one of my favourites to, top three on the list with Gremlins and Die Hard. Nightmare before Christmas is cool, it’s a movie I have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy though and I don’t think I’ve seen A Christmas Story.😀

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  7. Home Alone and Elf are GOLD. What’s crazy about Christmas films is that they feel so personal despite being popular in every other household. Some would call that magical! Great post.

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  8. I think my all time favourites are ‘Home Alone’ and ‘Love Actually’, the latter of which I only watched a couple of years ago after my friend convinced me to give it a go. Not really one for rom coms but I was pleasantly surprised 🙂 Definitely going to have to give ‘Krampus’ a watch! I bought a magazine today that has a whole article dedicated to Krampus. Perhaps it’s a sign that I should watch it haha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eurgh, Love Actually, I’ve seen it and Rom Com’s are definitely not for me, think I’d put it in the “I’ll watch anything if there’s nothing I want to watch on” pile.😂

      Krampus is awesome, well, I think it is but it’s one of those love it or hate it films, definitely worth a watch though.😀

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    1. I watched Home Alone II last Sunday, I was torn between choosing it or the first but the first film won out.

      I’m not really a fan of the animated movie for A Christmas Carol either (I presume it’s the Jim Carey version) and prefer the older films to, there’s just something about the older films that is more appealing to that particular story.


  9. Bruh, you deserve all the love you can get for Christmas just for mentioning Home Alone, Die Hard and Batman Returns in your top favourite Christmas movies. These movies are sooooo classic. I love it.

    – Lashaan

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  10. Krampus was such a fun movie! I loved it so much, I saw it a couple times in theatres lol a great cast & an awesome story. Love!!!

    Were you gonna see Bad Santa 2? Hubby & I were thinking of seeing it cause we love the first but we don’t have our hopes too high lol

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I didn’t know it was out yet until today so I didn’t even think to read reviews. I usually don’t go fully off em tho, but I’m honestly not surprised. Again, was kinda on the fence about a Bad Santa sequel anyway lol :3

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      2. Hey, maybe, since opinions on media vary per person, it’ll actually be awesome when you get to watch it & you end up liking it more than you’d think you would off of reviews! Sometimes having low expectations can help you like a movie more when you first watch it. You never know!

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  11. This is a great list. I adore The Santa Clause and Die Hard– Die Hard is totally a Christmas movie! I personally love the more sentimental classics: White Christmas, It’s A Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street. Also all the claymation films! They are so quotable…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! It is, it’s set at Christmas time hence it’s a Christmas movie! 🙂

      Yeah, I like White Christmas and It’s A Wonderful Life to, alas, lots of these kid bloggers wouldn’t have heard of them seen as they are from years and years ago. 🙂

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  12. High praise for this list!! You can definitely tell we were born in the same year :’). Plus there ain’t no Christmas like a Die Hard Christmas! 😉

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      1. I’m putting a picture of Hans Gruber with a Christmas hat on my Christmas cards this year :’). Darn youngsters. Gremlins is top quality! 😉

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  13. The Santa Clause! I love that movie and have to watch it at least once every year. Which reminds me that I haven’t watched it yet this year 😂. My favorites are all of the old claymation Christmas movies like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and The Year Without Santa Claus. 😊

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  14. I love the claymation movies!! I watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer every year and there’s a particular old version of A Christmas Carol that my family and I watch on Christmas Eve.

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      1. Yeah, I watched loads of 18 rated films action, horror, etc and yet the only one that scared little young me was Beatlejuice!😂 I don’t even know why looking back, it’s not a bad film I must have just thought Keaton was weird in his black and white suit.😂

        ET?! One of the most beloved classics!😂

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