My Musings

TTBG’s Fifteen Blogging Tips. #BookBloggers #BookBlogger #Bloggers #Blogger #BlogTips #BloggingTips #Blog #Blogs #BlogPost #BlogPosts

No rambling (yes, I've been told I ramble) from me today folks, just a nice short (shortish) list of fifteen blogging tips. I was told that lists are a popular type of blog post so let us see!.....phew, good job there wasn't a typo there otherwise I might have inadvertently typed tits or nips! Sniggers!… Continue reading TTBG’s Fifteen Blogging Tips. #BookBloggers #BookBlogger #Bloggers #Blogger #BlogTips #BloggingTips #Blog #Blogs #BlogPost #BlogPosts

My Musings

Some Musings On Paid For Book Reviews. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Bloggers

I've seen an increase in the debate about book bloggers both charging for and getting paid for reviews recently. It seems to be the hot commodity in the book blogging community and as such, I thought I'd take the opportunity to muse (ramble, babble and theorise) about and write a blog post on the subject.… Continue reading Some Musings On Paid For Book Reviews. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Bloggers

My Musings

Why are reviews unpopular as blog posts?? #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Bloggers #Blog

Reviews at least for me are one of the hardest types of blog posts to write. Give me a reason or subject to rant about and I will type and type and type but when it comes time to write an actual book review I often stare at the screen drooling with a dumb, lost… Continue reading Why are reviews unpopular as blog posts?? #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Bloggers #Blog

My Musings

TTBG: Venting. #BookBloggers #BookBlogger #Blogger #Bloggers

On my recent post reasons why a blogger declines to review your book and have you on their blog (which, unlike this diatribe is a fantastic post that if you haven't already then you should check out) Yvonne from Me and My Books commented that the post was very professional but that she also likes… Continue reading TTBG: Venting. #BookBloggers #BookBlogger #Blogger #Bloggers

My Musings

Reasons why a blogger declines your review request and doesn’t want you on their blog. #BookBloggers #BookBlogger #Bloggers #Blogger #Authors #BlogPost

I saw a fantastic blog post on this exact subject a few months back on the My Peacock Books blog. Due to some of the contact I've recently received on my own blog, it got me thinking about the reasons why we decline and so, I decided to broach the topic myself and write my… Continue reading Reasons why a blogger declines your review request and doesn’t want you on their blog. #BookBloggers #BookBlogger #Bloggers #Blogger #Authors #BlogPost