Book Reviews

Alice (The Chronicles of Alice 1) Book Review.

Alice (The Chronicles of Alice 1).

Christina Henry.

4 stars out of 5.


Book Blurb:

In a warren of crumbling buildings and desperate people called the Old City, there stands a hospital with cinderblock walls which echo the screams of the poor souls inside.

In the hospital, there is a woman. Her hair, once blond, hangs in tangles down her back. She doesn’t remember why she’s in such a terrible place. Just a tea party long ago, and long ears, and blood…

Then, one night, a fire at the hospital gives the woman a chance to escape, tumbling out of the hole that imprisoned her, leaving her free to uncover the truth about what happened to her all those years ago.

Only something else has escaped with her. Something dark. Something powerful.

And to find the truth, she will have to track this beast to the very heart of the Old City, where the rabbit waits for his Alice.

Book Review:

I received a free copy of this book courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

There’s alot to like in the book, foremost it’s a creative revist that takes the original source material and gives you a unique sinister reimagining, changing what is a classic colourful children’s fairytale and transforming it into a bleak and dark horror story.


After the events of the infamous tea party, Alice has spent the last ten years in a mental asylum, her only friend being Hatcher who she talks to through a mouse-hole until one night when a fire breaks out and they both escape unfortunately the malevolent evil presence of the Jabberwock is also freed and let loose on Old City. Thus what follows is Alice and Hatcher attempting to stop the Jabberwock while confronting traumatic memories and monsters from their own past.

The setting has changed from the fantasy style trappings of the original Wonderland into a City that’s split into two halves. Firstly you have the New City where the rich and affluent live, this is where Alice is originally from but it’s only mentioned in passing and in flashes and memories of her childhood. The book predominantly takes place in Old City, a crumbling metropolis where the poor, the violent, the mad, mental, criminal and deranged dwell. Old City is split into territories which are run by criminal bosses and these are the reimagined characters from the original, Mr Carpenter, Cheshire, The Walrus, The Caterpillar and The Rabbit alongside Dor. All the original characters are found in the book with their original names apart from in one case, the Mad Hatter, who is now Nicholas The Hatcher of Heathtown and is Alice’s companion throughout the story. Alice having spent years in the asylum, being locked away when she was still only a child starts out as somewhat sheltered and naive having never experienced being an adult in the outside world, but following her as she regains the memories of her harrowing past alongside growing in maturity, losing her innocence throughout as she and Hatcher take you on a foreboding journey.


This isn’t a book for the faint hearted and some readers willbe put of by the portrayal of women in the book. They are merely victims and objects that the crime bosses deal in and are used by men for pleasure and sex. While it’s not written about in vast detail, rape and abuse is often implied and the Caterpillar’s club Butterflies scene is very graphic and disturbing. But it’s never glorified like in some books and your left with the sense that it is wrong.

The conclusion couldbe classed by some to be slightly anticlimactic, especially if you’re expecting a huge showdown between good and evil, it’s not and is perhaps rather tame considering the bloodshed throughout, but personally I liked it and found it to be poetic, fitting with the tone of the book. The ending competently finishes of the story in the book but being part one in a duology also sets things up nicely for the sequel. Follow the white rabbit anyone?


The book is well written with both decent characterisation and world building allowing Henry to pull you into her story giving you the right mix of magic, violence both psychological and physical and revenge in a captivating tale.

This is a decidedly dark, twisted and vividly creepy retelling of the Alice tale. And, while it’s still Alice, it’s definitely not Wonderland.


On a side note, after finishing Alice I gave my Mother the book to read, she’s mainly a crime/thriller fan but had read the original Alice stories many moons ago back when she was a young girl and her view on this book was: ‘my endearing childhood memories of reading Alice intricately transported into the world of horror and it works!’

29 thoughts on “Alice (The Chronicles of Alice 1) Book Review.

  1. While I’m not in the mood to plunge straight into this one, it certainly sounds like a really intriguing take on a childhood staple. Many thanks for a thorough, articulate review.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Nothing wrong in straightforward and I like the fact that you generally back up your opinions with reasons why you think that way, which gives a prospective reader a very clear idea of whether they’ll like it or not – and that is, after all, why we read reviews.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. *sigh* I’m still getting to grips with the new computer – and it is still tripping me up occasionally. Basically, do you want to sort out something for Friday Face-off if there is nothing set out by tomorrow on ‘Books’ blog?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s a good idea if there’s nothing on the original blog of course.

        If there isn’t, have you any ideas for a theme? Or could I be bold enough to make a suggestion. 🙂 I’d suggest a ‘free’ theme for the week where we just choose one of our favourite books and compare the covers without an actual theme?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Actually, given that Books might just be on an extended holiday, or circumstances have overtaken her – that’s an excellent suggestion! If nothing has happened the following week – I was wondering if we’d go for covers featuring animals… what do you think?

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Animals is fine by me. 😊 Apologies if you wanted to do ‘animals’ this week and I then went and suggested a ‘free’ theme week, I was just thinking that if there’s nothing on Book’s blog by tomorrow, it willbe Thursday and with the face-off taking place on Friday it wouldn’t have given much time to find a book for a certain theme.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Oh no – I think your idea is a much better one:). Don’t worry – if I’d had a problem with it, I would have said so – politely, of course. But I’m not backward in coming forward…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m reading Splintered right now. Have you read it? It’s a creepy version of Wonderland. This book sounds so good. I’m a ridiculously insane Stephen King fan, so a dark and scary version of Wonderand is exactly my thing. As far as the way women are treated in the book, wouldn’t you say that’s sort of Games of Thronesish? And everyone loves the books and show, despite some of those depictions. I think if the story is good enough people tend to overlook some things. And why would say you’re not articulate? This review was absolutely fabulous! Give yourself more credit, Drew! We all think your writing is terrific. 😊 I’m looking forward to the next poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thankyou. 😊 I guess it’s just how I am, as I’ve just wrote in another comment I just sometimes feel that my reviews aren’t as eloquent as other bloggers and are rather simplistic to.

    Yeah, good point about Game of Thrones, it just seemed worth mentioning in the review though as there might be people who don’t like the depiction, same for GoT, same for the comments I make at work. 😂 There’ll always be someone who picks fault just because when there’s no reason.

    No, I haven’t heard of Splintered, will have to check it out.


  4. I haven’t read the original Alice in Wonderland except for bits of chapters I find around the internet. But I loved this book and I’m still painfully waiting for the sequel. It was simply written but very disturbing and I’ve always found it reminiscent to old childhood fairytales with their straightforward grotesqueness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t read the original Alice either and definitely agree with you about this being simply written, I think some books sometimes suffer either from being to simplistic or trying to be more complicated but the simple writing style for Alice worked really well.

      I know the sequels out mid-July in the UK.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I so want to read this book now! It’s sounds so exciting and definitely an intriguing version of Alice. I will absolutely have to add this book to my TBR list, and the second book.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ooooo, I’m very impressed. I read alice only when I was a kid and loved it. Hope this is available where I live, I wonder if it is too graphic though. Any trigger warnings?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The portrayal of women in the book isn’t great, there very objectified but it all fits with the story and there’s a few scenes that couldbe distressing for some, I think that’s one of the things I found to be better with Red Queen, it isn’t near as dark as Alice.


  7. I read Alice recently. A reimagining of a classic was hard to pass. Plus this one came with the words horror and dark attached to it. I loved that the author took all the familiar parts of the story and gave it a twist to make it her own. Your mother actually perfectly summed up the book for me. Great post !

    Liked by 1 person

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