Teaser Tuesday · Various Things

Teaser Tuesday 5th July.


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted on Books and a Beat.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Choice: Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell.


Page: 179.

The effect, on the whole, was repugnant – and yet Holmes could not tear his eyes from the scene. He had somehow shifted around to face them, though he did not remember doing so. His mouth was dry and he was having trouble swallowing, let alone speaking – otherwise he might have asked, as he did with the vagabond, who they were. But then he knew that already, did he not.

Book Blurb:

Late 1895, and Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion Dr John Watson are called upon to investigate a missing persons case. On the face of it, this seems like a mystery that Holmes might relish – as the person in question vanished from a locked room – and something to occupy him other than testing the limits of his mind and body.
But this is just the start of an investigation that will draw the pair into contact with a shadowy organisation talked about in whispers and known only as ‘The Order of the Gash’. As more and more people go missing in a similar fashion, the clues point to a sinister asylum in France and to the underworld of London. However, it is an altogether different underworld that Holmes will soon discover – as he finds himself face to face not only with those followers who do the Order’s bidding on Earth, but those who serve it in Hell: the Cenobites…

29 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesday 5th July.

  1. So I was thinking we should also do a buddy read. Not as part of our post just for fun. I thought we could read one of your “big boy” books. Did you already start this one? It sounds good and I’d definitely read it. I’ll post Smutterfly in 30 minutes so the world can see it in all of its smutty glory. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome! Of course you’re not you old man! Haha! ❤️ Smutty American hugs ❤️ It’s a term bloggers use to say that they’re reading a book together. So Drew, would you like to read a book with me? This one if you haven’t already read it. If we were in school, I’d write it on a piece of paper, fold it up, and throw it at the back of your head, and make you check Y or N. 😂 Haha! But we’re old now and you live across an ocean so I can’t exactly do that. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We just read it at the same time and write our own reviews and you just mention in your post that we read it together. A lot of bloggers do that, and since I’m so much fun to work with, I figured you’d be thrilled. 😉 And you’re not dumb, silly boy.

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      3. It’s something that we can do though I’m guessing you mean the sherlock book? I started it earlier and it’s not out until the 12th July in Yanky land, I’ve just checked, yay me for getting an arc! Have you heard about a book called Nevernight by jay Kristoff??

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      4. Yes, I meant Sherlock. Of course it’s not out cause you guys get everything first. 😂 Wah! Don’t tell me you have an ARC of Nevernight cause I’ll be so jealous. I pre-ordered it cause they’re signed in the US, but it doesn’t ship until August. 😂 And I hear it’s his best book.

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      5. How do you get all these ARCs? I guess I should put some more effort into requesting them. You should read it and send it to me along with a DVD player from England so I can watch Bad Education. I can’t get one here, which means I can’t watch it, and I love Jack Whitehall. 😂

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      6. I guess I have to ask for more ARCs then. I work for the US government I can’t exactly download illegal shows with my clearance. So what are we reading then? Pick something I don’t need to have special cool kid privileges for.

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      7. Ah, fair point about torrents then, sorry. 🙂

        Ah, I’m happy to do a buddy read at some stage but it may have to wait for a while, as I’ve got books that need to be read, Nevernight, the new Poirot-out in September, another book out in September that I accepted a copy of from the author and there’s a few books in series I read that are coming out soon, The Long War and The Grim Company (one in Aug and one in Sept) and I’ve emailed asking for arc’s and have been told by the publisher that I’ve been added to the mailing list so we shall see if I receive any press releases or not.

        Maybe, Nevernight? I could not read my arc until it’s released as you have preordered it??

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      8. No worries. I wish I could download a couple shows I can’t watch. 😂 Well aren’t you just a busy little bee? I have never written a letter to a publisher. I guess next time there’s something I want to read I should get on it. Nevernight comes out here on August 9th and then figure 2 days or so for them to ship it to me. If you can wait that long, then that’s what we’ll read. 🤗

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  2. i like this Teaser Tuesday thing i wonder if i could do this as well? and should i do this on my blog where do i sign up to be allowed to do this?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You don’t have to sign up anywhere, it’s hosted by a blog called books and a beat, on my post the name should be black in bold italic writing and it’s linked to that site, if you click on it then it should take you to the books and a beat blog then just follow the rules, there’s even a picture to use for the meme though I created my own. I think the only thing your supposed to do with the tag (or any tag for that matter) is link it to the original blogs post. 😊

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