My Musings · Various Things

500 Followers Thankyou Q and A Part 1.


So I received a notification from WordPress the other day telling me that I had somehow accrued 500 followers! I know, it’s crazy right to think that my blog has actually managed to achieve something like this and it’s only 499 more than I ever imagined I would get! You can follow your own blog so I was at least guaranteed one follower, me!

So, to everyone out there who has followed my blog, liked a post, commented and/or read any of my posts ranging from the meme’s through to the book reviews and even the poetry I dabble in. I say to you all, sincerely (no sarcasm from me this time which occasionally does happen on this blog) thankyou!


Deadpool award

Now, as I mentioned this is the first part in a Q and A. I’ve seen this on a few other peoples blogs when reaching a milestone and I thought it was a great idea and thus, have decided to pilfer said idea and use it myself! 🙂

OK, my fellow bloggers, ask me your questions and in the second part of the post I shall answer them, all questions no matter the subject are welcome! So, ask away!

 Come join the fun and follow me on:

Twitter and Goodreads.

112 thoughts on “500 Followers Thankyou Q and A Part 1.

  1. Congrats on reaching the 500 followers mark 🙂 wish you get more and more followers 🙂
    All the best Drew.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, guys, no one has asked Drew a single question I’m so bored. 😴💤

    Okay, since I already know the answer to the boxers or briefs question, I’ll skip that one. 😉 Hmm… What do I want to ask you that I don’t already know? That’s a tough one. I think I know too much about you. I was hoping someone would ask a fun question. Where’s Anne and Donna when I need them? Lol And I suppose it should be blog related. Oh, and congrats by the way. I know I already told you this the other day, but you’re doing great in such a short amount of time. 😘 And I haven’t seen any poetry lately. 😂 I miss my miserable Drew poems. Okay, I have some weird questions in my head that are sort of fun but I need to think them over. I’ll comment with them when I have it all hashed out and they make sense.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congrats!!! 😊 And I hope you follower pool continues to grow so more peeps can read your poems.
    My question, which might be a popular one on here, is what are you tattoos of?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Okay, I figured out my questions, love, and here goes…

    1. If you could assemble a superhero like team (i.e. The Avengers) using either book or comic book characters, who would be on your team and why?

    2. If you had to choose one video game to play for the rest of your life, old or new, which one would it be? Mine would be either Sonic or Super Mario cause I’ve never left the 90s when it comes to video games. I hope they make that old school. Nintendo I heard about. 🤗

    3. Who’s the coolest blogger you know? Oh, right that’s me. How silly. 😝 Maybe you could list your top 10 favorite bloggers in your post. I’d be on that list, of course. 😘

    4. If you could pick any band to write and record the story of your life, who would you choose and why?

    5. Speaking of tattoos, are you thinking of getting another any time soon? I know there’s room for my name on your arm. 😝 Lol. I’m joking. But no, seriously, have you thought about another one?

    You’ve gotta admit my questions are fun and not at all inappropriate for a change. Go me! Now will you answer them? That’s the real question Hugs 😘

    Liked by 2 people

      1. True and it’ll probably be next Sunday but I’m telling you, I’ll post them sometime so you don’t nag me about it and you’ve just gone and nagged, ggrrr Jillian! 😠😠😁😈😠😠😠😈😁 So far, only you and ZeeZee have asked anything, it’s not exactly a roaring success! 😠

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m not nagging. 😘 I was just reacting to your yeah whatever comment. And it’s Sunday so people will comment eventually. I think one person needs to ask a question first before some people will and we did so chillax. 🙂 I’m sure Donna and Anne will ask something off the wall. And what’s with I only know some of your tattoos? 😂😡

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I could’ve finished first if I wanted to I just wasn’t all that motivated this week. 😂 I’ll be done by the time you wake up tomorrow. And who knows maybe I’ll even post my review. 😉 I’ll see how much time I have.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You guys have too much faith in me when it comes to smut :’). I’m a pervert alright, but sometimes, it’s hard to nail it correctly…*chuckles behind hand*

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Congrats! 😉 And here’s something to get started with *coughs and puts on glasses*:

    1. The Curse of The Buxom Strumpet is a movie coming out somewhere this year and stars Dame Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellen. If you had to choose between these two people , which one would have the highest chance of you developing a crush on them? *wiggles eyebrows*

    2. You’re into gaming. Does Lara Croft do it for you when it comes to fictional crushes?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha! Awesome questions! Will Ian McKellen be dressed as Magneto or Gandalf? These are terrible choices for Drew to have a crush on. Ha! An old gay man and and old lady. I don’t think Drew likes dusty cooch, so I’m going with X-Men or TLOTR. Are we talking Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft? I’ve had a serious lady crush on her for like ever. 😍 There’s no way Drew can’t say he wouldn’t have a crush on her. Cookies and boob pics are awesome! 🤗 Who wouldn’t want to follow? Lol

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      2. I know she meant the game but it’s impossible not to think of Angelina Jolie when you think of Tomb Raider. She’s hot! Just saying! ❤️ What guy didn’t want to jerk it to that game? 😂 You know it! I want Gandalf’s staff. He’s my favorite character in TLOTR.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations with so many followers !
    I don’t really know what to ask since I know so much about you now 😉 (I’ve seen a tattooed body part of Drew people! Don’t know yet when I will share it with the rest, keeping it for myseld for a while longer), but if I have to ask something:

    What’s your favorite platform to play and why? Playstation, Windows, xBox?
    Do you play online with others or go to these conventions where they play in group for hours and hours? I’m sure there’s a name for this type of thing but I’m too tired to start googling.
    What do you think of the movie The Road?
    Can you come over and get me past level 1 of Silent Hill 3? It’s been lying around for more than 10 years and was a complete waste of money as I never got past level 1.

    I hate that I can’t come up with anything else, now that I’ve got the chance, but so be it. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Huge congratulations – it took me YEARS to accrue that number of followers:). My question – what is the single thing that worried you the most about blogging and how have you coped with it?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yay for 500! Congrats! So proud of you. My question is how do you make sure you read all the blogs you follow. I always always miss posts and it’s so hard with life and reading and work and stuff!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Okay, I’m late to the party, but here are some questions for you, Marshmallow!
    – If you had to choose between wearing a hairnet at work (it looks terrible on girls, but totally worse on guys) all week or fluorescent pantyhose every weekend, which one would you choose?
    – Who would you want to be stuck in a lift with for 24 hours?
    – Did you finish Resident Evil Code Veronica X? I’m stuck at the end because I don’t have enough ammo.
    – If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
    My usual question: how many socks do you own? I won’t ask for the number of underwear items you own because that answer scares me.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh my god! Donna, I love you. 😘 Hair net or fluorescent pantyhose? I choked on my coffee. No joke. It hurts. 😂 I know Drew has to go with the hair net on that one. 😂 Elevator question… Hmm… You know you want to be stuck in there with me. 😘 What’s with all the women with video game questions? Lol Does Drew have to come to your house to finish it? He’s really good at finishing himself off. 😂

        Liked by 2 people

  10. I forgot to add look at all those likes and comments. Aren’t you popular? Ha! Hugs. 😘 😂 And, you had to talk to people. 🙂 To quote Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny, “What a fucking nightmare!” Imagine the whiny New York accent and all. 😂 I can’t wait to see the answers to some of these questions. Now I’m bummed I didn’t go the smutty route since Anne chose old peeps and went Donna with pantyhose. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

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