My Musings

So, you want to be a book blogger?

so you want to be a book blogger

Greetings and salutations my fellow bookish people, or if you prefer the informal version yo or even the currently popular sup! 🙂

I was bored and so I decided to knock one out, a blog post that is, take your minds out of the gutter please people, this is a respectable blog. Yeah, like anyone is going to believe that! We all know it’s a lie now don’t we! This blog is actually a mad house of sordid anything goes debauchery run by a sarcastic degenerate but it’s a fucking cool place and you all love it! 🙂

I’ve been doing this shindig for over a year now (nearly 15 months to be precise) and so I thought I’d offer some blogging tips to people thinking of starting a blog/new bloggers.

So, you want to be a book blogger, which means that you’re a lover of books and want to take that love to the next level, again, minds out of the gutter please, book love obviously isn’t the same as people love and taking it to the next level doesn’t mean taking it to the bedroom, it means starting a blog!

Maybe you’ve recently been hearing voices in your head telling you to kill and you have decided that you’re going to choose your victims through their blogs, starting your own blog to befriend and lure them in, then bam, the book blogger butcher strikes!

Perhaps you’ve just been released from a white-walled padded room and while the Doctor says you are cured you find that all you really want to do is something crazy. What’s crazier than starting a book blog?!? No, I can’t think of anything either!

Or did you take part in a drunken bet where the loser has to do the most embarrassing thing that they can think of? Obviously, you lost and have now chosen to start a book blog.

If you’re a fan of music maybe you decided to take the advice of Disturbed and ‘get down with the sickness‘ and you realised that the best way to do that, was to join the awesome book blogging community.

Anyway, enough of that, whatever the reason you’ve decided to venture into the world of blogging and here I present to you 25 tips for starting a book blog.

1. Blog name.

Give it some thought, you’re going to be stuck with it so make it something that is either personal to you or just a name that you like.

2. Platform.

WordPress free, WordPress self-hosted, blogger, weebly Wix, etc. There are lots of different blog platforms out there, check out the blogs on all and decide which you prefer and want to use.

I use the free version of WordPress, it suits me and my blogging needs fine, it’s very easy to use and is user-friendly. I’m not tech savvy enough to want to attempt to mess with coding or anything like that and find that there are plenty of options available.

3. Blog theme.

For WordPress, there are lots of themes, a vast range of them each with various different aspects and aesthetic qualities. If you have been checking out blogs before you jump in the deep end and actually start blogging chances are that you will have seen lots of the various themes. You can also easily browse the complete selection of themes to find one that suits you and your blog when initially setting up your blog.

4. About page.

Bloggers are a nosey bunch, write an about page and tell us about yourself. We can get a feel for you and your blog then and it’s always interesting to read why you decided to start blogging.

5. Review policy.

This is important, granted, authors on occasion will ignore it but then we just ignore them (it’s not rude to ignore them, people, as they ignored the review policy first). Make sure you have a review policy that clearly outlines what genres you review, if you review to set deadlines, what ratings you use, your preferred book format and if you are currently open to or closed to review requests.

You’ll want to include some way for people to contact you too, be it an email address on the page or a contact form.

6. Archive pages.

Archive pages for book reviews, author features and discussion posts are a necessity!

Trust me on this, I didn’t have any for months after I first started blogging, stupid boy that I am! And they really are a godsend, helpful for yourself and easy for visitors to your blog to see what you’ve reviewed and featured.

You want to incorporate these as soon as you start blogging. It is a nightmare when you have loads of reviews/posts that need archiving and you finally realise that you should have been doing it all along, it really will be one huge oh shit moment followed by copious amounts of cursing!

7. Take inspiration from others.

See blogs that you like, be inspired by them and take inspiration from the blog and blogger to create your own unique blog style and posts.

8. Don’t steal from others.

This point ties into the above, take inspiration from other blogs and bloggers but don’t blatantly copy or steal their blog style or the bloggers personality, no-one wants an exact carbon copy of a blog that’s already out there and stealing is just wrong, you wouldn’t pirate a book, movie or CD, don’t pirate a blog.

9. Be honest.

When reviewing please be honest, if you liked the book then sing its praises and tell us why you loved it. If you disliked the book then be honest, tell us you didn’t like it and explain why.

Publishers and authors both want and need honest feedback on books don’t lower your integrity by being dishonest.

Don’t pimp yourself out by giving glowing reviews just to get ‘free‘ books, it’s wrong and is very uncool! 

10. It’s OK to say No.

That request button on NetGalley, it’s OK not to press it, that press release for an ARC that came through by email, it’s OK to delete it and you know that review request that came directly from an author, it’s OK to say no to it.

You don’t have to feel pressured to accept a review request from authors who contact you, you might not have time to read the book, you may not read that genre (then they should have looked at your review policy, see why you need one) or the book just simply might not interest you in any and every case it is OK to decline.

We are not a free service for authors, there is a person behind the blog and it is OK to say no.

11. Read what you want.

If/when you are lucky enough to receive ARC’s, read what you want, when you want, no-one (other bloggers, authors or publishers) expects you to read everything before it’s release date and nothing bad will happen if you do miss the actual release date. The mythical ARC police won’t come and arrest you!

Even if you do keep on top of your ARC’s and manage to review them all before release, it can sometimes get too much constantly reading to review for specific dates. It’s OK to just read something that you want to.

A review is a review whether it’s before the release, a month after or even a year later, it’s all promotion for a book.

12. Post what you want to/Post when you want.

You have a book blog, it doesn’t mean that everything you post has to be book related, just like with the mythical ARC police there isn’t a book blog police that will come and arrest you if you stray from the path of bookishness.

I write and post poetry on my blog. If you want to write personal posts, life updates or reviews for movies, TV, games and music then go ahead. It’s your blog, your rules.

Also, don’t feel like you have to post every day, some bloggers do and some don’t, only posting once or twice a week. It doesn’t make you a ‘bad‘ blogger if you only manage one or two posts each week but if you want to and can post every day then go for it, do whatever you’re comfortable with.

13. Memes.

Weekly memes are a good way to help build a following for your blog as they are a popular type of post. There is an abundance of them out there, most bloggers like them, some don’t but no-one can deny their popularity and that they gain exposure for your blog. Find some that you like and do them, but I will say, don’t overdo them, no-one wants to see a blog that only contains memes, they are a good post idea but we also want to see some reviews and creative content, not a meme posted each day of the week.

14. Don’t stress over stats.

See that blog with 10,000 followers who gets 1,500 likes per post and yet you are stuck on 50 followers, don’t stress it! While you might well question why you don’t have the following of other blogs, there are a lot of factors to factor in, the length of time blogging, how vocal they are in the community, what is their target audience, etc.

It can be hard and demoralising if you think your blog isn’t doing well, especially if you see others doing well. Honestly, we’ve all been there, hell, I’m writing this post and I still think that my blog sucks – yeah, real technical term there!

But really, don’t stress stats, they aren’t important in the grand scheme of things and you shouldn’t be blogging for stats anyway, you should just be blogging for yourself.

15. Social media.

Twitter, FB, Pinterest, Google plus, Tumblr, Instagram/Bookstagram, there’s a lot of different social media outlets out there to choose from.

Instagram/Bookstagram is very popular with bloggers. While lots are great at taking pictures, some of us absolutely suck at it and stay away from using it but if you’re artistic then give it a go.

For me, I’d say that Twitter is the best for blogging. Lots and lots of book bloggers have Twitter it’s a vibrant place for us to share each other’s posts and interact – it’s good for the banter! 🙂

Tagging publishers and authors in the review of their book on Twitter often ends with various retweets and blog exposure, but more than that, on occasion you’ll get a reply from the author thanking you for the review, it’s wonderful when you get to connect with authors and they acknowledge you and your review.

16. The community.

The book blogging community is great, get out there and follow other blogs (you can’t just expect them to come to you), like posts and comment on blog posts and along your blogging journey, you will make blog friends (or at least those who put up with your sarcasm) who you will bond with over your mutual love of books regardless of genre.

17. Help/advice.

Don’t be afraid to ask for either help or advice if you feel that you need any. Predominantly we are all a very friendly bunch apart from the ever so awesome but very rare foul-mouthed and sarcastic blogger and we are happy to assist our fellow bloggers.

18. Blogging takes time.

This is something that you need to factor in when starting a blog, life, adulting, work, reading and then add blogging to the list as it also takes up your time. Not just writing your own posts but formatting them and then reading other blogs too, it’s worthwhile but it certainly takes up your free time.

19. It’s OK to take a break.

Blogging can be stressful and at times it might get on top of you. It’s just life, we all get fed-up and despondent with most things every now and then.

On occasion we all need to switch off and chill, your blog and followers will still be there when you come back, if you feel the enjoyment waning or it getting too much then take a step back, have a break, even just a day off and recharge.

20. Be prepared.

It’s only a small thing, but in hindsight, I wish that I’d been prepared before I jumped into blogging. Having some reviews and posts written before you start means that you have something to post, you’re not left with a brand new blog that has nothing posted.

This also works when you already have a blog too, preparing posts and having them drafted and scheduled in advance helps is really helpful.

21. Graphics.

Canva and picmonkey are both great sites with free versions for creating blog graphics. I use the free version of picmonkey as I find it simple, easy and straightforward to use and I fully admit that the Canva layout baffles me!

22. Images.

Copyright laws, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. There’s plenty of copyright free stock image sites on the Internet for you to use. I use Pixabay for my images and have found it to be a really decent site with a vast selection of various different images to choose from.

23. Organisation.

I’ll slip this one in – sniggers, I slipped it in, the gutter level smut is alive today! 🙂 I don’t bother with organisation, boring! If I agree to post on a specific date then I’ll jot it down in my phone calendar but other than that, Nah, I like to play devil’s advocate.

For those of you who take part in lots and lots of blog tours each week, then something to organise your schedule would be useful, diary, notebook, planner, spreadsheet, etc.

24. Personality (be yourself).

One of the most important things to remember when blogging is to just be yourself and allow your personality to shine through.

There are a lot of bloggers out there A LOT and you want to differentiate yourself from them by being yourself as we are all different.

Don’t be plain and vanilla, a cardboard cutout robot blogger, we want personality! It’s what will make lots of bloggers follow you regardless of whether or not you read the same genres. It’s your personality that lets readers see who you are in your posts.

Take me for example, I’m sarcastic, foul-mouthed and often blunt with bad jokes thrown into the mix. That’s me in blog post form and I’d like to think that if people saw a post of mine without either my name, my blog name or any other distinguishing features that those who comment on and know both my blog and me would recognise that it was a post by Drew or at least from The Tattooed Book Geek blog.

You don’t want to be lost in the sea of bloggers by being boring and bland, be yourself and make your blog an extension of who you are.

25. Have fun.

A nice easy one to end with, blogging should be fun so have fun and enjoy it!

wolf lets chat

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115 thoughts on “So, you want to be a book blogger?

      1. You need a ‘page’ not a post like how you would have an about page and then you list all the reviews alphabetically by author surname (I had around 40 reviews when I did my index) wish I’d done it from the start as it’s a nightmare going through your old reviews and linking them all. 😦

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I didn’t type in links, to much hassle for my lazy self!

        Make a page, type in the name of the book and author, then copy the url of the actual review that you want and then paste it over the name of the book and author and it should link it to it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Ok like I would when I link in a post to something, like an Amazon sale or something? Like use the little link button? I’ll give it a go! It’ll prob take the rest of my life! 😂

        Liked by 2 people

      4. If you’re in the wordpress admin panel when you’re linking the box where you paste a link gives you the option of typing in the start of your blog post and it comes up in a box of posts to choose from, but copy and pasting is probably easier. Takes a long time if you’ve got an established blog but at least doing a few links extra a day than you post will slowly go through that pile 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Took me forever on my old blog, I almost went crazy with boredom of cleaning up and archiving all my reviews. That’s actually really good advice a lot of people don’t think of including me lol

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Great advice! I used to be a book blogger, but I got burned out. I still review occasionally, but only what I want to read. It’s easy to become overwhelmed if you don’t set limits up front. It’s always, always, always okay to say no. In fact, you have to say no sometimes, especially when an author isn’t respecting your boundaries or your blog (which happens all too often). I wish this article would have been around before I set up my promo blog. It should be a must-read for anyone who is thinking about becoming a book blogger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.😀

      Oh yes, I completely agree about authors not respecting your boundaries or your blog, it happens fairly often unfortunately and is always annoying.😂

      Ah, burnout sucks, I got jaded by blogging a while ago but I’m one of the bloggers who has the mentality that they should just read what they want, after all I do this for enjoyment, should be reading what I enjoy.😀

      Not sure about a ‘must-read’ as I think there’s lots of similar posts around but I tried to put my own spin on it.


  2. Oh, how I wish you had posted this when I started out. I have been blogging for nearly 10 months and reviewing books for 5-6 months. I still don’t know half the things.
    Points 10-12 are so important in a book bloggers life. I realize that now. I couldn’t say no and overloaded myself. Had to take two months break from accepting requests to cut down the waiting pile. Still overloaded. Drew, I am going to reblog this on my site and share wherever I can. This is some important shit (see, I am learning) and people need to read this to get their shit together before plunging into the pile of not-so-shitty things that are books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and for the reblog.😀

      I think it happens to a lot of bloggers, they overload themselves and don’t say no but it is what it is and most have done it. I think it’s because they don’t want to say no in case they upset the author and with publishers, you get sent press releases and think ‘Ooohhh books’ just have to say no. Reading what you want is definitely important too, need to keep the enjoyment of reading and blogging.

      I’m sure there’s lots of posts out there like this but I like to put my own spin on things and tried to make it accessible to all.😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, there are a lot of guide posts. I found a few that helped me with the hosting selection, website creation, initial set-up etc. But I probably didn’t dig deep to find the specific book blogging tips. Yours is a compilation that is going to be of great help to the next me. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. As a new (trying out the blogging thing) blogger, I appreciate your advice and wil be trying to follow as close as I can. Any tips are welcome( not the money kind of tips, but they will be welcome too😋). Thanx Drew.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ‘Sup, Drew? How nice of you to slip that greeting in! XD
    Ha… this is a great post.. one that I wish I would have had when I went over from my ‘other’ blogging to book blogging.. or would have had brains and logical thinking to google this advice! anywhoo.. hindsight and what not 🙂
    This is a great post for newbs, for sure and you did a mighty fine job at it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So many YA and Romance authors sending me requests AFTER telling me they read the submission guidelines (clearly states they are two genres I will not accept). It can be painful at times to think that authors cannot read …😛

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is great advice Drew! I am an organized super planner, so I had about 4 months of posts planned before I started my blog. I do sometimes get caught up in the stats though. I know I shouldn’t be that concerned in my first year of blogging, but I have high expectations for myself I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.

      Cool, nothing wrong with being prepared, 4 months worth of posts before you started was a great achievement. I suck at planning but wish I’d got some planned when I’d started as I had a blog which has nothing on it and I also had to figure out what I was even doing!😂


  7. This is a great post – so true! And I know what you mean by telling everyone to use Archives. I haven’t done it and it really was annoying to go back and tag every post 😀 But much easier to find stuff now.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great info! I’ve been wondering about graphics for a little bit now. I have no training in that kind of thing, but I’m glad there’s free places out there to make them. You give great advice. Thanks for posting it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Really good advice! I’ve jotted down those graphics sites you recommended because one day I might have the chance to play around with that. Until then, I’ll keep it boring :p

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is extremely thorough and brilliant. Definitely a good and complete guide for people who’d like to start blogging. If anything they should always remember that they’re blogging because they like it, and once it stops being that.. well.. time for some introspection before psychological harm is done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.😀

      Yeah, definitely agree about blogging because you like it and introspection if that changes. It seems to happen quite a lot though that people get tired/fed up/jaded by blogging and they lose the enjoyment due to a few factors, I guess it’s hard at times to remember that you should be doing it because you enjoy it.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. A must read for newbies! I didn’t have an archive page when I started either so that’s a common mistake probably ;-). I still struggle with say NO but I’m getting better at it the longer I blog so I think it will come naturally with experience :-). Really great post Drew!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What a great, informative post 😀 I was gonna say this is the post I needed to see when I started my blog a year ago next month, but to be honest, there’s tons in here that I’ve found helpful 🙂 Thanks for the Picmonkey recommendation. I’m awful with anything graphics related and sometimes look at other blogger’s graphics quite enviously 😛 Will definitely be checking it out when I have time 😀
    Also, the review policy thing is something I should have done aaaaaaaages ago! I only made a review policy about a month ago because I got sick of having people messaging me requesting I review their historical military non-fiction books (or along those lines). I have no one to blame but myself, but I just naively thought my blog name was enough of an indication regarding what I will and won’t review haha
    Totally agree with you about the book blogging community. it’s great, plus it’s so, so friendly! Prior to running my book blog, I ran a FB page/website where I gave angel oracle card readings so I was on a lot of spiritual forums and a member of FB groups…and oh my god. Spiritual people can be so nasty and bitchy! Like, people would criticize my belief in angels but go on about the rainbow unicorn they saw while meditating :S Because of that experience, I was a little hesitant becoming a member of the book blogging community but I have been floored by the sheer friendliness and kindness of everyone.
    Awesome post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.😀

      Glad you found some useful stuff, that was the whole idea to offer advice that people would find useful and it’s cool that bloggers who have been blogging a while enjoyed the post and found it useful as well as if anyone reads it who wants to start a blog.😀

      Picmonkey is great, I look at Canva and it baffles me, such an elaborate layout I’m like WTF!😂 Picmonkey is far simpler. Totally agree about some other bloggers graphics, some really are amazing!

      Ah, well, you see, yea, your blog name should really be an indication of what you read but… is ‘fictional men’ and as most books contain ‘fictional men’ the authors will just see it as their book has men in it, winning! Should have been ‘swoon over glistening abs covers’ then they’d stay away!😂

      Sorry, I was being sarcastic. I get various review requests (or did before I closed to requests) for genres I don’t read and it clearly states that I don’t read them on my policy, just like lots of other bloggers do, authors at times ignore the blog review policy so it’s no surprise that they’d send requests for various genres to a blog with no policy, they’d class it as a green light for asking you to review anything!😂

      Yeah, the blogging community is great, though I’m very much on the outskirts of it, the loner lurking in the corner it’s still such a friendly place though.

      Sniggers, rainbow unicorn!😂 Yeah, that sucks though, criticising one belief while proclaiming their own as gospel, surely angels are more believable than a rainbow unicorn anyway but nah, people shouldn’t diss others beliefs, make sarcastic comments about them of course but not diss them and be horrible about it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heeeeey, not ALL of them have glistening abs on the covers! Sure, like 90% of them, but I also swoon over intense, smoldering gazes covers!

        Yeah, I can see why they’d see it as a green light to send me all manner of requests. To be fair, even now that I have the policy in place, I still receive random requests. I got one yesterday and the book was about cats? Sure, I adore cats but with the exception of A Street Cat Named Bob, I’m not up for reviewing a book about them! I appreciate people want their books reviewing, it’s only natural, but if some authors just took a little extra time in their search for a reviewer, they’d soon find someone who’d fit the criteria.
        Yeah, I get how you feel. I still see myself as being on the periphery of the blogging community at times. It’s part of the reason I got Twitter, I figured it’d be an easier, more casual way to communicate with people 🙂
        Rainbow unicorn is the least of the weird things I heard in that communit 😛 I once had to endure a 3 hour car journey on the way back from a mind, body and spirit fair with a guy who thought he was a god incarnated…literally!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ha, it’s no surprise that you still receive random requests, ask most bloggers and they will tell you that they do too. Wait until you put ‘closed to review requests’ on the policy and watch as author after author ignores it and still asks you for a review!😂

        You have a point, can’t disagree about authors wanting their books reviewed, finding the right type of blog goes along way though and politeness at times too. Yes, the sarcastic foul mouth who is never polite is writing that authors should be polite, the horror!😂 but yeah, wrong type of blogs, ignoring being closed to requests, using the wrong name, forgetting they’ve already asked and then sending a generic request after they’ve appeared on the blog, it’s all good fun at times with authors! 😂

        OK, you don’t make this easy for me do you coming out with a ‘reincarnated God’ that just screams to have a sarcastic comment made about it!😂


  13. Being yourself and having fun are the most important aspects of blogging! If you fail to accomplish that, the rest is lost. All super good points. I had to create an “archive” page of my reviews months after starting as well.. oops. Pain in the ass for sure. So I am glad you were kind enough to point that out for others. Also, I strongly advocate those about me pages you mentioned. I have no desire to follow a blog where I cannot feel connected with the blogger 😉

    I love Canva.. sigh. So guilty of using it for everything! It is amazing. And if you should choose to use paid graphics, so very affordable still. So I push it when people are looking for help in that area.

    I think the only think that might be optional is the “Review Policy.”. If you never plan on accepting requests then this can be skipped I think? But if you accept ARCs and so on, a must! Unfortunately, I still delete about 5 emails a day on average.. even though it clearly says I am closed. Well you know that ole’ song and dance haha 😉

    Fab post Drew!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.😀

      Yeah, gotta have fun and you need to be yourself too, I don’t understand why some people don’t have any personality on their blog, it’s like, it’s your blog, make it your own.

      Oh man, you’re another one of us then are you! The dumb dumbs who didn’t have an
      index/archive page for reviews! 😂 Seems to be quite a few who didn’t/don’t bother and then when you realise you need one you have an ‘oh sh#t’ moment as it’s a pain in the ass to do! 😂

      Oh definitely, if you’re not going to accept review requests then you don’t need a review policy but if you are or just have contact info on the about page then it’s something you need as well, authors tend to ignore it anyway but if you haven’t got one and are open for requests then it’d be a free for all for authors of any genre!😂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks for the advice, Drew. I started only two months ago and it’s easy to get stressed out by it all. Nice to be reminded of the things that actually matter. And thanks for the tip about archiving! It’ll definitely get to that when I have a chance.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. This is a very comprehensive list of book blogging tips Drew! I’m impressed!

    With regards to the post achieves, I did the same thing when I started! Sure, I tagged my posts in categories, but I didn’t really have a good navigation bar for my blog. When I redesigned my blog earlier this year, I redid my navigation and noticed my views went way up because people could find the posts they were interested in easier. Imagine that lol I wish I would have done this a LONG time ago ((facepalm))

    “Being prepared” is something I STILL struggle with. I am still a “blog as I go” blogger, but I really want to work on this the rest of this year. Having a backlog of posts and reviews that are ready to go would really reduce blogging stress. Easier said then done in my case.

    Another great post Drew!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’ll take ‘another great post’ – I like to think that I do on occasion post some half decent stuff.😂

      I like to try and be prepared, I think in part it’s down to that I think everything I write is crap, especially reviews and I like to check them and take my time with them. I’d Dread writing one straight out and pressing publish.

      Post archives seem to be something that most blogs have…..but from the comments on this post they seem to be something that most bloggers also forget at first!😂

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I just ran into this terrific post!
    I’ve been blogging for a few months, but still have lots to learn. An archive page…oh boy never thought of that. I’ll have to get that going before my book hole gets any deeper. I’ve been thinking I need to do a review policy. Finally I’ve been wanting to add graphics, but didn’t have a clue where to start, now I do.
    Thanks Drew!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thanks for the follow too.😀

      I think a review policy is a must, if you’ve got any contact info already on your blog or intend to be open to review requests anyway. Authors might at times ignore it but it you’ve got one, it’s easier to see what genres you review, etc and predominantly saves the hassle of getting requests for genres you don’t read.

      It’s surprising how many bloggers don’t think of an archive page but then most blogs have them! I guess, it’s something they realise that they need later on, I did and from the comments on this post lots of others did too, seems important but something we all forget.

      Good luck with the graphics.😀

      Liked by 1 person

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