My Musings

Addressing some recent Blogging BS. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Bloggers

I read something yesterday that really annoyed me. Someone had read a 'hyped' book and was very disappointed in it. In itself, that is fair enough but what I took from the comment was that it seemed implied by that person that everyone else who had loved the book was lying about it and that… Continue reading Addressing some recent Blogging BS. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Bloggers

My Musings

There is No Right or Wrong Way to Review. #bookblogger #bookbloggers #blogger #bloggers #bookblog

Speaking from the heart, one of the things that really annoys over blogging (even after nearly three years) is when people start saying that reviews should be written in a particular way! As someone who often struggles to find the words to form a review and, then, subsequently thinks that most of their own reviews… Continue reading There is No Right or Wrong Way to Review. #bookblogger #bookbloggers #blogger #bloggers #bookblog

My Musings

Do you trust bloggers who don’t post negative reviews? #bookblogger #bookbloggers #blogger #bloggers

While trawling through SM I sometimes see that people (some) have an issue with those in the community who choose not to post negative reviews. For whatever reason, it's the type of issue that seems to appear every now and again. So, I thought that I'd reveal (not like flasher gremlin) my thoughts on the… Continue reading Do you trust bloggers who don’t post negative reviews? #bookblogger #bookbloggers #blogger #bloggers

My Musings

Venting: Pirating books is wrong! #bookbloggers #bookblogger #bloggers #blogger #books #blog #blogpost

I'm not an idiot, contrary to what some may think, a bastard, sure, though as Slipknot sang 'I'm just a bastard but at least I admit it' and a bad blogging influence (I don't know why you'd have to ask the Jackanory jackass who called me it) and, as such, I fully realise and understand… Continue reading Venting: Pirating books is wrong! #bookbloggers #bookblogger #bloggers #blogger #books #blog #blogpost

My Musings

E-Readers vs Print Books. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Blogger

Welcome to one of the most pointless debates possible! A rivalry for the ages, that generations-old feud between electronic and print, the Monday night wars for books! Which is better, the e-book or the print book?! You really would think that in the grand scheme of things that it wouldn't matter wouldn't you and the… Continue reading E-Readers vs Print Books. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #Blogger #Blogger