Tags · Various Things

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers


I saw this tag over at Always Trust in Books, thought it would be fun and decided to give it ago.

How long have you been blogging?

I started blogging in the womb. I gave life a negative review before it had even truly begun.😂


At what point do you think you’ll stop blogging?

When the ARC’s dry up, when the women (blogubines, bloupies and blogstitutes) get old, dusty and crusty (I guess you might say guess they dry up too) and when I have made enough money to retire with.

What is the best thing about blogging?

Those sweet sweet ARC’s. The money, the women (blogubines, bloupies and blogstitutes) and random review requests from authors. I mean, it’s like sticking your hand in a bag of pick n mix or, the surprise in a Kinder egg as that request could be anything and until you open it you just don’t know, talk about a thrill!

What is the worst thing? what do you do to make it okay?

Bloggers! Erm…I kill them all!


How long does it take you to make/find pictures to use?

10,512,069 seconds.

Who is your book crush?

Yennefer of Vengerberg from The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski.


What author would you like to have on your blog?

The creator of the Tingler, Chuck Tingle.

What do you wear when you write your blog posts?

Either an adult diaper or if you prefer, a man nappy.


Or, I blog in my birthday suit, as nature intended, letting it all hang out.


Or, I dress up as a Nun as everything I write is so pure and holy.


How long does it take you to prepare?

Prepare?? Oh, you mean foreplay!👍 Blogplay??😂 I dunno, it depends on the women book.

How do you feel about the blogging community?

I hate it! I’m sorry, I’m not really but I’ve got to keep up polite appearances. Honestly, you all suck! You suck more than a vacuum cleaner on the super suction setting!


What do you think one should do to create a successful blog?

Listen up grasshopper, the way to success is simple. Eat your vitamins and say your prayers.😂


Nah, charge for reviews and steal other bloggers posts.

Oh, also, oversell your blog too (follower counts, page views, embellish all of that sort of stuff) and sell the shit out of it like Shawn Michaels overselling against Hulk Hogan.😂


OK, you have had the fun answers to the questions. Now, here are the boring and serious answers…be warned you might fall asleep!


How long have you been blogging?

I started blogging on March 5th, 2016. So, that is around three-and-a-half years now.

At what point do you think you’ll stop blogging?

When I lose my smile, when I can’t get it back and when I completely lose the enjoyment.

What is the best thing about blogging?

Simply, having a blog and having somewhere to share my thoughts.

What is the worst thing? what do you do to make it okay?

The self-doubt regarding the quality of my reviews. How do I make it OK?? Erm…I don’t! I always doubt what I write and probably always will.

How long does it take you to make/find pictures to use?

Have you seen my book pictures?! The answer is not very long!

Who is your book crush?

I don’t have one.

What author would you like to have on your blog?

George R.R Martin or Stephen King would be really cool but I know it will never happen.

What do you wear when you write your blog posts?

Clothes! My usual attire is the scruffy hobo look so, jeans and a t-shirt.

How long does it take you to prepare?

Days or weeks. I write notes whilst I read the book then type those notes up sometime after finishing and then I have to write the actual review. Sometimes it all gets done quickly, other times, not so much as I’d rather read than write reviews. For blog posts? It depends too. What can I say, I’m a mood reader and a mood blogger!

What do you think one should do to create a successful blog?

People define success in different ways. For me, I’d say it is your blog, your rules and there is no right or wrong way to blog. So, rather than worrying about being successful I’d say just focus on being yourself.

I’m not going to tag anyone but if you see the tag on my blog and decide to so it. Then, please link back and I will be sure to check out your post. 🙂

38 thoughts on “The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag. #BookBlogger #BookBloggers

    1. Well…it is a weird question! I’d like to think that most people wear clothes. It’s one of those questions that if you were asked in real life you’d reply with a droll response like ‘clothes’.😂

      Obviously, no hate. If you or anyone else does blog without clothes then that’s cool, each to their own and all that.😂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This gave me a much-needed laugh this morning so thank you very much for that!

    And of course, all of us book bloggers are in it for the ARCs, the fame, the fortune, and the adoration. It’s definitely nothing to do with the books 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think bloupies is gonna be my new favourite word! 😂
    It really is a glamorous life as a book blogger! The fame is nearly too much for me. Damn it I can’t even go outside anymore without someone recognizing me or those damn paparazzi following me ^^
    And yeees! to your answer about what’s the worst thing about blogging. Damn you self doubt. I always feel like I’m faking it when I write reviews, especially when people afterwards tell me they liked my review because well, that *has* to be a lie ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a wonderful word.😂

      It sure is. Luckily, I live in a small town so avoid the paparazzi and journalists out for a quick scoop. Otherwise my bad behaviour would always be in the papers and online.😂😜

      It is! I hate self-doubt! I never believe people when they tell me I wrote good reviews, etc and it sucks to feel that way.😢


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