My Musings

My Thoughts on the Block Editor.

A couple of weeks ago when I got the email from WordPress telling me that the block editor was now my default editor it was one of the worst moments of my blogging life. Melodramatic? Maybe, but it is true. I had been dreading the email, I knew that it was coming, but I kept hoping that the changeover would be postponed, or, at the very least that my blog would be one of the later batches (preferably the last) to be transferred over.

Sadly, it wasn’t and the email arrived. Sliding into my inbox like a sneaky author who I’ve had no previous interaction with and whose book is in a genre that I don’t read sliding dry into my Twitter DM’s and attempting to pimp their work, unwanted. Sorry unknown author, I don’t reply to unsolicited requests through Twitter from someone who I don’t follow. Sadly, for me, I had no option with WordPress and the block editor. I could ignore the email, sure, after reading it I did, but I couldn’t get out of or ignore the change that was coming to my blog. It wasn’t a nightmare, I didn’t wake in the dark of night in a cold sweat with vague recollections of a cosmic tentacled horror trying to get into places where no tentacle should ever go.πŸ˜‚ No, it was real, it was happening, the block editor had arrived and the next time that I would go to draft a post it would be waiting for me.

Prior to the email, I had tried to use the block editor. On a few occasions actually in preparation of the change and each time it left me swearing, I didn’t have the patience and I failed to grasp it. It’s not difficult, quantum mechanics, stealth in a video game, getting triple-figure views on a blog post, talking to women, finding the light in the dark and seeing a future in a life of pain are all difficult. The block editor is none of those things and it isn’t difficult, but it is confusing, convoluted and utter shit. I wish that I had a more polite and profound way to describe it to you, I’m sorry that I don’t, shit is shit and the block editor is shit. It also sucks more than a gummy granny, no sexism here or a gummy grandad sucking on a lollipop.πŸ­πŸ˜‚ WordPress was simple, that is one of the main things that it had going for it, the simplicity of writing blog posts in the classic editor and the block editor has taken that away.

I ran a poll on Twitter regarding the block editor. Some bloggers have always used it, some like it, some are getting used to it and many HATE it!!! Yes, HATE in capitals and with exclamation marks as I HATE it with a passion.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

You can see the poll results below:

For those of you who have always used the block editor (it was the default editor if you started your blog after a certain date). Then, if you are wondering what all the fuss is about and why we hate the block editor so much, this is why. The classic editor had a very simple interface, it was like word processing software, MS Word, Libre Office, Open Office, Google Docs, etc and yes, the block editor may well be clean and modern looking, but it is a drastic change for us, moving from something that we knew to the complete unknown.

Creating a blog post used to be easy, it was a few simple steps and hey presto, it was job done and the post was ready. Now, even though WordPress says that it is simpler, WordPress lies and there is a whole list of steps that we have to go through just to create (attempt, try, fail, induce a headache, curse and cry) the exact same blog post as before. It is an arduous process of a new block for this, a new block for that and a new block for every-mother-fucking-thing else, sigh, grumble, groan, it is hell, it is torture.πŸ™„πŸ˜©πŸ˜€πŸ€¬

I do, sort of, trying to look at it objectively understand the benefits of the block editor, for some as it offers a far larger range of formatting options. Many, like myself, don’t have elaborate and fancy formatting on their pages and posts. We don’t want it and we don’t need it. We just want to add a couple of images, a few links and write our review with a few paragraphs of text, nice and easy and for that, the classic editor was perfectly adequate and the block editor with all its bells, whistles and fancy fluff isn’t needed. I mean, writing reviews can often be hard enough (for me at least) without the added trouble of drafting up the damn post too.πŸ˜‚

I always think that I fail as a book blogger. Well, the block editor and my failure with it just compounds those thoughts. I don’t like change. I’m old, stuck in my ways and a fossil compared to most bloggers. I’m not the most technology-minded person either, I wouldn’t have a clue about coding or anything like that and I struggle to grasp new technology and updates. The discovery of fire and the wheel was advanced enough for me.πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯βš™οΈπŸ˜œ

One thing, we have had the change forced upon us and I feel that we should have been given the option to stay with the classic editor. Some would have stayed, others would have swapped, it would be whatever editor is best for the individual blogger, but a choice should have been offered to us which, I don’t think is asking for much.

There is the ‘classic block‘ within the block editor for us to use, but it is a poor substitute for the classic editor. Likewise, there is the dashboard/admin editor that has always been there, but again, it is a poor substitute for the classic editor. While I can’t speak for others, I never used it, until now as it sure beats the hell out of the block editor. I would ask that with the dashboard/admin editor being the same why the fuck can’t WordPress give us the actual classic editor as an option to use?!?

Maybe I should start a block editor support group where those of us who hate it sit around drink beer, smoke some Snoop Dogg finest special blend, offer each other support and badmouth both the block editor and WordPress.πŸ˜‚

It is good that some are managing to figure the block editor out, it really is, it gives others the belief that they will be able to figure it out too. It gives hope that we too might be able to, one day fathom out the unfathomable. However, for some, no matter how much time and effort they put into trying to learn something, simply, they can’t. I’m not alone and many are struggling with using the block editor. I know of one blogger who has gone on an indefinite hiatus since they were changed over and there are others who have avoided their blogs and who haven’t posted since the change either. I’m sure that as more are changed over that there will be more fallen bloggers. If you pay for your site you can download a classic editor plug-in, I’m on free WordPress and, for those of us on the free version of WordPress, sadly, we don’t have that option.

It is the truth when I say that the change to the block editor has ruined blogging and taken the enjoyment out of it for many.😒 We are book bloggers, we blog because we love reading, but we would still love reading even if we didn’t blog. We also blog because we love blogging and well, we all know what happens when we lose the enjoyment in something that we once loved…

88 thoughts on “My Thoughts on the Block Editor.

  1. Yes to all of this. I’ve reluctantly accepted the new block editor and am slowly getting used to it, but it’s got nothing on the simplicity of the classic editor. I’m still trying to figure out how to format my pictures inline with the text, something that was instant and easy as pie on the classic editor and I’m still none the wiser. I can understand the benefits of this new editor for sure, especially when it comes to formatting, but it’s so time-consuming and Grammarly still isn’t working when I use it!!!
    I’m in the camp where I’ll begrudgingly adapt and accept this new editor, but if I could choose between this and the classic, I’d go the classic in a heartbeat.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Grammarly doesn’t work in the block editor. It does in the classic editor in the dashboard, but not the block editor. I asked WordPress why it wasn’t working, they sent me a screenshot showing that it works in the block editor, still didn’t work in mine and so, I posted in the help forums where I was told that it is a known issue, it’s not compatible and it has never worked.πŸ˜‚

      I sort of start my post, type the title, maybe add the graphic and then save, run to the dashboard and use that.πŸ˜‚ I might get used to it, in time, at least, I’m hoping that I do.

      Heard so many horror stories though about it, not saving posts, etc that I just wish they’d fix it or, even better not force it on us while it is still broken.

      I also hate how WordPress claims that it is easy, it’s not.πŸ€¬πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚

      Yeah, simplicity was the main thing, also the biggest issue, it’s not simple anymore.

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  2. Yes to all this! I’m more extreme (and probably a lot more foolish) than you are- I refuse to use it. I have the Classic Editor plugin and until they yank that out of my blog I’ll use it. I tried block and hated it. I’ll learn blocks only when I’m forced to (so mature of me, right?!). Nothing intuitive or natural about it. I’m also so old-school that I write/edit my posts in Word and then copy and paste.

    Great post, thanks for letting me vent!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you and no worries, vent away.πŸ‘πŸ“š

      Ah, yeah, I don’t get the plug-in option, sadly otherwise I’d be all over using that.

      You sound about as mature as I do, only I generally tend to use far more swearing and there’d be some expletives along with being forced too.πŸ˜‚

      I’m old-school too and use Libre Office to write up my posts and then copy and paste them in, at least, I did. It was always the safest bet, I’ve heard horror stories of WordPress crashing and not saving posts, etc. At least by copy and pasting in there is a backup in whatever software you wrote the post.πŸ‘πŸ“š


    1. I do that anyway, but I use Libre office. Not writing a post directly into WordPress and having it crash and not save it.πŸ˜‚ Even pasting in though, with blocks it still gives an individual block for each paragraph of the review, add in the cover, the other graphic and the info and even with a short review it is still a hell of a lot of fiddly blocks to use and navigate.😒

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  3. For my theme, I have less options now with the block editor (e.g., can’t make text bigger in a list). So it’s not just ease or difficulty, it’s the way my posts used to look vs how they are forced to look now. Sigh. But yeah, like some other people have said, I’m getting used to it.

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    1. Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that too about trying to get posts to look the same, a few people have mentioned it. I think that we all have got to get used to it, sadly as it is here to stay in all its awful glory.πŸ˜‚


  4. I used the block editor for the first time today. I couldn’t figure out how to make my headings look the way I wanted, and struggled with images until I finally gave up and published the post with the images all over the place instead of arranged the way I wanted them. The strangest thing was that I was given different options for different images, and I can’t figure out why. I’ll guess I’ll get used to it eventually, but right now it’s just adding unnecessary stress.

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    1. I think that there are many different options for many different things and not just images and it is all very confusing.😒 I give up, I have to admit to that, I start the post and then run to the dashboard editor and use that editor as the classic substitute, as you say about the block editor, it just adds unnecessary stress and none of us need or want that with the state of the world.

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  5. I have been using the block editor in WP Admin pretty much since it came out. It took a minute to get used to, but now I can barely remember the difference. That wasn’t the case at first. I guess what I’m saying is that over time it will become easier. I usually just use one block, change it to classic view, and then roll.

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    1. Ah, you were one of the brave ones who jumped straight over to it.πŸ˜‚ Yeah, you are right about it getting easier over time, most things do and as you say, there is the classic block, I just wish Grammarly worked in it cos my grammar and typing aren’t always great.πŸ˜‚

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      1. Yeah, it does, Grammarly would highlight some grammar issues too and with spelling you could just hover over the misspelled word and change it, without having to search, it was easy and it’s just something that has also been taken away in the block editor which according to WordPress is ‘easy’. I’m sure we will all get used to it…

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  6. I’ve been using blocks since they first started rolling it out, and I really don’t mind it. πŸ˜‚ It was a little confusing at first, but now I like it. It’s a lot easier to do some formatting options imo.

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    1. A little confusing?! I’d settle for that, I’m very confused by it.πŸ˜‚ Yeah, I get that with formatting and that for you, like with others it is easier for dome options, but then there are the people like me who just have a book cover and text and that used to be so simple, now it isn’t.

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      1. I mostly have a book cover with text too honestly! That’s just an image block and a paragraph block. Easy peasy. The one thing that does annoy me is that I still haven’t figured out how to add multiple images at a time, like for monthly wrap ups. So each book image has to be its own separate block, added individually, which is time consuming and annoying… But that’s my only big gripe. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

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      2. Yeah, just an image block and a paragraph block does make it sound easy.πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ“š I guess, when you’ve been using it, you’re used to it, but when you first start using it, you’ve still got to travel down the road of figuring it out and getting used to it, I’m sure I’ll and others will get there.πŸ‘

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      3. Yeah I hear you. Learning new stuff, especially when we’re all so emotionally and mentally overloaded is tough. I’ll be sending good vibes your way πŸ˜ƒ

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  7. Agreed , I hate it as well , in fact I haven’t been able to post stuff on here because then I’d have to spend a lot of hours with the difficult editing and stuff . I don’t have such time . Not in the middle of a pandemic where I am working 50-60 hours at a stretch with less than 3-4 hrs sleep a day . I just want simple times again

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I’m in the middle of writing a post and JESUS H CHRIST ON A CRUTCH this block editor is annoying. 2020 is why we can’t have nice things.

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      1. I just looked at a preview of the post I’m working on and ~none~ of the spacing I added is present. πŸ™ƒ

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  9. I’ve had it for months now and for the most part am used to it. However, I still don’t like that simple editing features, like changing the font or underlining are found in different places. Luckily I don’t do too many complicated things with my posts. I do miss the classic though

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    1. Yeah, finding stuff is a nightmare in it, one of the many reasons why it isn’t simple for those of us just now changing over, we haven’t a clue! 😦 There’s a few things that I am yet to find in my brief attempts to use it and so many blocks to try and figure out which is the right one to use.

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      1. Oh yeah, that’s still annoying for me the few times I want to do something different than a basic paragraph block or picture. Hopefully it’ll get easier!

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  10. I want to join the new editor support group. I HATE it! Also I tried to switch back as it says in the email but I just don’t have the buttons it says to press to switch!!!! I’ve gone to creating posts on the app in my phone (which is still the same!) and then tidying up on the actual website. Cross fingers it works!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think to switch back you need a plug-in, if you pay for your site? Other than that, no, WordPress lied, there is no way to switch back for free users like myself, only the poor dashboard or classic block instead which are a work-around, but aren’t great and aren’t the same. 😦


  11. Drew, we’re all fossils together πŸ˜‰ I avoid using the block editor; I think it works better for those who write very short posts and not reviews, but for long reviews it’s just a nightmare. My workaround is twofold: I write my posts in word processor, then create a draft in block editor (classic), and then work on it from the WP Admin view – it gives you the traditional pre-block interface, and everything works as it should :).
    Good luck!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha, that is exactly what I do too! πŸ™‚ I’ve always typed up my posts in a word processor, been burnt by WordPress not saving drafts, crashing midway through writing, etc so I like to have a backup in the word processor, just in case. Then, I now start the post in the classic block, or even just type the title in the post save it and then run to the WP admin and use the classic in that, I stay away from the block editor as much as possible. πŸ™‚

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      1. Great minds think alike! 😁
        But what a pain; I still can’t get why couldn’t the old option be there along with the block editor, so that each blogger could choose whatever suits them better?

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  12. πŸ™‚ If you scoured the WordPress Forum, you would have seen that I complained about Grammarly not working with the Block Editor back in 2019. The Happiness Engineer also showed me a screenshot of it working on his end.

    My workaround is to type the draft-copy of my blog post in Google Docs; which is compatible with Grammarly and when I am finished, I copy the draft-copy of my blog post and paste it into my Block Editor.

    I have been using the Block Editor exclusively since it was in beta and I must admit that the Block Editor is not as buggy as it was before.

    In all honesty, I am quite happy with the Block Editor.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Not as buggy as it was before is still not perfect though and quite a few people who have been changed over recently are having alot of issues, not with using the editor, well, yes that, but also issues with it not working properly too.

      Yeah, I posted in the forum after WordPress lied to me about Grammarly and saw that it has never worked. 😦 They could have just said that to begin with instead of making out that the issue was with me.

      I copy and paste my posts into the editor anyway, been burnt with WordPress not saving drafts before, etc and I like to keep a copy on my computer, might try Google docs instead of Libre Office though as Grammarly works in there.

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  13. As someone who types all their posts in Word beforehand and just pasted them into a post the block editor has become a massive pain in my arse. Instead of the simple task of pasting, adding an image and a read more link, I now have to go searching for the classic block editor before I can do anything because any other option is too complicated for my Luddite brain. I bloody hate it.

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  14. Yes, I’ll have that drink with you at that support group, but make mine a G&T and no weed (makes me sick, I’m afraid, but you go right ahead). Everything is more difficult now. Want to underline text? Nope, no button for that, so workaround with CTRL-U. Want fully justified text? Nope, no button for that, so workaround ALT+SHIFT+J. Want to resize your picture? Nope, no plus or minus option anymore, gotta drag it to the size you want (and now ALL of your pictures from your old posts are squished to small sizes). And if you want to add a link party, trying to use the HTML editor is unbelievable. Want to put in a link to an old post or have your external link to open up in a new window? Hit the little cog on the link option to get to those. Need to add things to your automatic tweet? Click on the green “jetpack” symbol to get to that place. Plus, just to get out of a saved post you have to be a mind reader… Oh, click on the WP logo and then hit the option to view posts. Geeze… all the extra clicking we have to do with this new version, even using the semi-classic editor mode – is INSANE! And every time you do something, it tries to get you to go to using the full block editor and you have to hit that damned cog to get it to go back to some semblance of normalcy. About that drink… make mine a double!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Probably need a double double or a triple.πŸ˜‚ Yeah, you have it bang on, everything is so much more convoluted and tricky, extra clicks for this, extra clicks for that, attempt to find this, attempt to find that, sigh. For a clean, simple and modern look which is what they went for on the surface, look beneath and it is anything but simple and easy to use.

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    1. Is that your latest post? It looks good and if that is the only issue you have with the block editor you are doing well. πŸ™‚ Knowing WordPress and their love of everything simple there is probably another block hidden somewhere in the multitude of blocks that needs to go after the image block in-order to align it in the center.

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      1. It’s not my only issue, just my main one. If I want to copy multiple paragraphs into a quote, it shits itself. I have to do it a paragraph at a time. I just want the brain behind the block editor to have an aneurysm.

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      2. Yeah, I remember someone once told me how ‘easy’ it was to use quotes in the block editor, cos, you know, highlighting the text and pressing the quote option was so hard before, I don’t think that they had ever tried to quote more than one paragraph at a time. Possibly not a brain behind the editor for it to have an aneurysm, at least, I think it is already addled.

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  15. Definitely still getting used to it. I really do hate though, the little “revisions” on the side there. I suffer from dyslexia, and the larger the number of revisions gets, the bigger loser I feel. I don’t understand why that’s so there and so obvious? Does it even matter how many you’ve done?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have no idea! I guess that it is so that you can revert back to an older version of the post if you want, make a mistake, accidentally delete something when drafting, etc, but I have no idea what the point of it is or why they have made it so obvious.

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  16. Hard agree with everything you’ve said in this post!
    A post that would have taken me 10 minutes to throw onto WP (I, too, write my posts up in Word in advance) has taken me … *checks watch* … 2 and a bit hours to do this morning.
    I am a smidge annoyed, to say the least. Grrrr…..

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    1. Most of us with that we had the option to go back to the old one, many hate it too, my view on it is well known.πŸ˜‚

      I’m still struggling, not even slowly figuring out, I think I have something done right then, bang, messed up again, will get there in the end, hopefully.πŸ˜‚

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      1. I think the layout part of it looks okay, but it’s very hard to find things. I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling though because I was thinking that I was the problem. πŸ˜›

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      2. Ha, no, it’s not just you, along with the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world there is now a new pandemic too, the ineptitude of using the block editor pandemic that is plaguing WordPress users world-wide.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  17. I’m one of the “getting used to it.”group as I changed over some time ago. Not because I thought the Block Editor was great but because I knew WP would take the classic editor away as soon as they thought they could get away with it. I’ve noticed changes even in the block editor since I started using it. There are more different kinds of blocks, good for business bloggers but it means that the ones I use most often, paragraph, heading, image and gallery, are pushed further down so they take longer to select. I’ve taken to using the search box to find them.
    I nearly always go to WP Admin to create posts and I find that the best way for me. If I use the “create a blog post” option on my home page it deals with text well enough but not with images. Sometimes I can’t access all my uploaded pictures when I search so I have to go to admin and then I can. It’s a weird glitch. If I am writing paragraphs I find that I don’t have to keep selecting a new block, it happens automatically when I press enter. If I do paste in text from a document it automatically formats it into paragraph blocks. I just add my photos afterwards and move the blocks where I want them.
    I blog on either a desktop or a laptop. I find blogging on a phone more trouble than it’s worth but I know many people prefer it and the Block Editor is driving them crazy. WordPress appear not to care. I find their attitude disgusting.

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    1. Yeah, I blog on my laptop too. I tried the app ages ago and couldn’t get on with it, lots seem to do all of their blogging on their phone though.πŸ˜‚ I also used my phone to edit posts too, at times when I saw a mistake and well, that never ended well and always messes the formatting up and the posts end up with massive gaps between parts.πŸ˜‚ I stick to my laptop, it’s easier.

      Yeah, they don’t care, it’s a terrible attitude for them to have, not necessarily bothered by them caring to be honest, I’d just like them to understand and acknowledge that it is a drastic change for us and that it’ll take time to learn.

      Yeah, they have added lots of blocks in the editor and keep tweeking it, suppose it is improving it, but I can’t say that anything will improve it as I hate it.πŸ˜‚ It’d be better if they had held off on the change until it actually worked 100% as a lot of people are having issues with it, not just using it, but that it doesn’t work properly, etc.

      I didn’t go over to it, I hoped that they would keep the classic editor and allow us the choice, wishful thinking on my part and I think that you and others who swapped over a while ago had the right idea.πŸ‘

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  18. I wish the classic block was at least LIKE the classic editor? I appreciate the functionality of the block style editor if I ever want to do something fancier, but 99% of the time I DON’T. Figuring it out doesn’t change the fact that it’s a pain in the ass to switch from the visual to the text editor or that my tag and blurb section is shuffled awkwardly out of site.

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  19. Gosh I’m with you! I’m gonna need this support group! It’s not just that I hate change (which, ok, is totally true) I also just don’t understand why they have to “fix” something that for so many people wasn’t broken. The classic editor worked perfectly for me and I don’t have loads of time to be fiddling about with annoying gimmicks that someone who has never run a blog think will be good for me! It’s very frustrating to not just give people the option to keep things as they are!

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    1. Exactly! All we want is the option to keep things how they were and how they were was fine. Blocks for those who want them, classic for the rest, not hard, but they don’t care. The amount of people having issues with the block editor too, not just being unable to use it, but actual it’s f#cked and keeps crashing, not saving, etc, it’s broken, they couldn’t even wait to roll it out until it worked properly.

      The whole fixing things that aren’t broken seems to be the new norm, FB, twitter, WordPress, sigh.

      I read an article that says that WordPress want the block editor to do everything, create a website, customise your website/blog and write posts/pages all under the editor, means it’s only going to get worse.😒

      I hate change, but I can understand it too and they probably want to appeal to those who want lots of options and formatting, etc, but in catering to them they have alienated those of us and there are a lot who just want to write simple posts. Obviously the dumb dumbs who created have never looked at word processing software or they’d know what you want/need to write a post.

      There is the classic block, now, but it is a poor substitute, doesn’t work well and the fact that it is there’s a classic block ‘now’ sums it up. WordPress couldn’t even include a classic block to help the transition until they got lots of backlash, sigh.

      Sorry, I could moan for hours on the block editor.πŸ˜‚


  20. I realize I’m late to this party, but Preach It Brothah!

    I’m in the “getting used to it” group, but it has completely sucked the fun out of my hobby. It used to be that someone with almost no experience could join wordpress and start writing right away. Now? Now they have to watch videos and read tutorials on how to just write a damned post. I think that in the long term WP just gut shot themselves…

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    1. I think that we are all in the getting used to it category now, grudgingly and with lots of sighing and cursing.πŸ˜‚ There’s not much choice other than swapping to a different platform or paying WordPress. It’s just awful and I’ll probably always think that. I did read that WordPress want the editor to be an all in one type and for it to be used for posts, pages and creating and customising blogs so it’ll probably get even worse.

      It wouldn’t be so bad if they admitted that it is harder to use and that it has issues, but they don’t and maintain that it is easier, not sure how when you need a ‘how to’ manual to do anything.πŸ˜‚

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      1. yeah, the forums are filled with the staff singing the praises of the block editor every time some poor schmuck comes on asking how to go back to the old editor.

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  21. There is still a way to use the classic editor.
    1. Start a new post, don’t write it all out, just write the title and save as a DRAFT.
    2. Go to your blog’s home page
    3. In the URL address bar add: “/admin” (without quotes) at the end of your address and click enter
    4. You should be brought to your Dashboard where you will now click on “All Posts”
    5. Mouse over the post you just created and saved as a draft. You will see selections beneath your post’s title: Edit Classic Editor Quick Edit Copy Trash
    6. Click on “Classic Editor”
    7. Voila!

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  22. Ay-men, brother. I haven’t wanted to blog much this year because I’m bummed out! But I woke up last week with the desire to finally post something, only to run across this suck ass editor. Granted, I haven’t worked with it very much, but it’s taken me a few different sessions over the past week and 45 minutes this morning to simply find my media (never did; my searches brought me here instead!) It is wildly un-intuitive.

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    1. It sucks, not sure that’s the official term for it, but it is true and the politest word I have.πŸ˜‚ It is just so much more effort, even a few weeks later it still baffles the hell out of me and I have to admit that I don’t use it, I either copy an old post, change the title, save it and then edit it in the dashboard or you can use the classic editor for new posts from the dashboard, it’s not the same as the original classic editor, but it is far better than blocks.πŸ‘

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  23. Absolutely nailed it. And no, they don’t care what long term users prefer. So sad about this. I hate change too. Especially, when something has been working perfectly fine.


  24. BTW.. Does anyone know how to access the old themes? My blog is quite old and I had access to many retired themes. It said Free/Premium… Now it just pushes those ugly new themes and no access to the old ones. I find a strange pleasure just browsing them and remembering the dawn of blogging… He he… I am a weirdo 😁


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