My Musings

TTBG’s Let there be Tits! #Blogger #Bloggers #Funny #BlogPost #Blog #BlogPosts #Blogs

TTBG's Let there be Tits!

So, I posted my TTBG’s Fifteen Blogging Tips recently (it’s where I offer some blogging tips in my own unique way and well worth a read) and featured in the post was a lovely pair of natural tits! 😉

Here they are:


See, aren’t they great! Natural as God intended, no enhancements, nothing and you could look at them all day long, some right lovely tits those are! 🙂

tits pair

Anyhow, one of my fellow bloggers, Zoé from Zooloo’s Book Diary said in the comments that I should “just make a post about tits” and well……………….who could say no to that!

I have to admit that I’m not sure what tits Zoé actually meant. You see, I’m a delicate flower and well, ya know, some bloggers aren’t so she could have meant tits as in “boobies” that girls have and not the purely innocent type of tits that I had included in the post! 

So………….just to cover all bases here’s a nice pair of boobies! 😉


A cracking pair of boobies right there folks! You could gaze at them for hours and you just want to touch and feel them too! 😉


So, tits, I was writing about tits. Sorry, I got sidetracked with boobies! Yeah, I’m a dude, it happens! 😉

Obviously, some of you might think that I, myself am a tit for doing this post!


But……’s all good fun! 🙂

And at least I didn’t mention or include pictures of that Jerry Lawler classic phrase puppies! 😉 


Oh hell, I have no willpower and now that I have mentioned them puppies need to be included! 


Look at them lovely puppies! You just want to stroke them, nuzzle them and snuggle into them! 🙂

Now, puppies come in all sizes! Small puppies that fit in the palm of your hand!


 And big puppies that require both hands to handle! 😉


Well, damn, yay for puppies!


OK, back on track, tits, for your viewing pleasure here are a variety of tits! 

Tits galore!

See, aren’t they some great tits! 🙂

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39 thoughts on “TTBG’s Let there be Tits! #Blogger #Bloggers #Funny #BlogPost #Blog #BlogPosts #Blogs

  1. 😀 This has cheered me up so much! I’ve had something of a shit week – work stuff, not the end of the world, things could be worse etc. – but it has left me feeling a bit low. Until I saw this post. Thank you! x

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Wrestling is not the same now without him, not that I have watched it in years! lol. Aw shucks and wasn’t it a good idea! I knew i would get you to post something “controversial” at some point hee hee

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It wasn’t controversial though, I kept it clean and decent! 🙂

        Yeah, it’s not. I watch it, still but not as muchas I did and I don’t enjoy it as much either, it’s not the same without him and it’s not the same as it was either, too diluted most of the time with the occasional good bits but mostly not.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I will have to think of something else then lol. It use to be so much entertainment! Now The Undertaker loses at Wrestlemania, it all goes to pot! lol The wrestlers are no way near as good as they use to be either.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. It’s because they are older and the product is so kid friendly. Also, I think it’s too much, PPV’s are 4 or 5 hours long now and happen so often. NXT and NJPW are where its at, such good matches. Yeah, I’m one of those fans who moans about the booking too and have brilliant ideas for how to book the shows.😂

        UT is a sad case, I’m a huge fan, he’s a legend but his last few WM matches haven’t been great and the other matches he does aren’t either. Nothing will tarnish his legacy but it’s getting to the point where he needs to retire and hopefully WM next year will be that retirement.

        Challenge accepted!👍 Come up with a controversial topic and I’ll happily post it!😂😜

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I use to remember staying up for Summerslam at 1am and staying up for 3 hours and it being exciting. It was always about Raw. HBK, HHH, Randy Orton, Kane and UT for me! They were class. Haven’t a clue about the new characters lol.
        Ok! I will have to think about one now….could take awhile ha ha

        Liked by 1 person

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